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摘要 声光报警器是一种用在危险场所,通过声音和各种光来向人们发出示警信号的一种不会引燃易燃易爆性气体的报警信号装置。防爆声光报警器适用于安装在含有ⅡC级T6温 度组别的爆炸性气体环境场所,还可使用于石油、化工等行业具有防爆要求的1区及2区防爆场所,也可以露天、室外使用。可以和国内外任 何厂家的火灾报警控制器配套使用。当生产现场发生事故或火灾等紧急情况时,火灾报警控制器 送来的控制信号启动声光报警电路,发出声和光 报警信号,完成报警目的。 本产品也可同手动报 警按钮配合使用,达到简单的声,光报警目的。本 产品符合GB3836系列标准的要求(满足GB3836.1—2000《爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求》及GB3836.2—2000《爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型“d”》标准),经国家指定的 检测机构鉴定并取得了防爆合格证。报警器外壳为全不锈钢壳体,灯壳抗冲击能力强,180清晰???视超高亮LED发光管,配备超强蜂鸣器,具有工作稳定,使用寿命长, 功耗低,不受污染物和水的影响等特点。正是由于声光报警器的这些优点所以被广泛应用于各种场合。本设计是利用单片机结合传感器技术而开发设计了这一声光报警系统。论文中主要针对声光报警系统中的各个组成部件进行了介绍,对它的主控电路和外围设备电路之间的接口技术,还有软件方面进行了重点介绍。 关键词:报警器、80C51、声光传感器 Abstract Sound and light alarm is used in dangerous places, by voice and a varietyof lightto send warning signals to people that would not ignite flammable gasalarm signals.Explosion-proof audible and visual alarms for installation in the presence of grade Ⅱ CT6 temperature class of the explosive gas atmospheres may also be used in the petroleum,chemical and other industries with the requirements of Zone 1 explosion-proof and explosion-proof areas Zone 2, you can also open,outdoor use.Any manufacturer can be at home and abroad supportingthe use of fire alarm controller.When the productionsite of an accident or fireor other emergencies, fire alarm control signal sent by the controller startupsound and light alarm circuits, sound and light alarm signals issued to complete he alarm purposes. This product can also be used in conjunction with the manual alarm button, toa simple sound, light alarm purposes.This product meets the requirements of GB3836 series of standards (to meet the GB3836.1-2000 Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres General requirements and GB3836.2-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres Flameproof d standard),testing organization designated by the state identified and made explosion-proof certification.Alarm in case of stainless steel shell, lamp shell strong impact, 180 clearly visiblesuper bright LED light tube, with a super buzzer,with job security



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