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摘 要 随着PLC的技术越来越成熟,做为一种辅助控制工业生产的器件,已经越来越广泛的应用在工业生产的各个领域。S7-300系列可编程控制器是西门子全集成自动化系统中的控制核心,是其集成与开放特性的重要体现。模糊PID控制一直是一种普遍应用于现在工业中的一种算法,它有十分突出的优点。以上两种方法和技术相结合就能完善的建立出完善的系统。通过实际液位和期望值的偏差或者是是偏差的变换率做为系统的控制输入,利用其输出控制来调节变频器达到控制流量,以达到控制液面随期望值变化的目的本设计利用WINCC实现人机界面,应用PLC中的模糊PID模块控制,使PLC进行模糊计算后反模糊化后控制仿真平台,液面高度反馈回PLC。实现对仿真平台的连续控制。通过此文可建立一套完整的系统,仅通过人机界面既可达到控制、检测、检验、手动调节、启动停止等功能的实现。 关键词:模糊算法、模糊PID控制、人机界面、PLC Design and the development of the experience platform based on S7-300 and Fuzzy PID Control Abstract PLC technology as more and more mature, as an auxiliary device to control industrial production has become increasingly wide range of applications in various fields of industrial production. S7-300 series programmable logic controller is the Siemens Totally Integrated Automation Control of the core system is its integrated and open an important manifestation of characteristics. Fuzzy PID control has been applied to a general industry is now an algorithm, it has the advantage of very prominent. These two kinds of methods and technology will be able to complete the establishment of a sound system. Through the actual level and the expectations of the deviation is the deviation or change of rate control input for the system, using the output control to adjust the inverter to control the flow of liquid to achieve control with the aim of changing expectations In this paper, the realization of human-machine interface WINCC fuzzy PID control as a PLC input, so that PLC control simulation platform and fed back to the PC. Simulation platform to achieve continuous control. Through the establishment of this article can be a complete set of system can only achieve through the man-machine interface control, testing, inspection, manual adjustment, start to stop the realization of functions Key words:PLC, fuzzy PID control, human-machine interface 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 1 绪论 1 1.1 绪论 自从上世纪30年代以来,自动化技术获得惊人的成就,现在在工业生产和科学发展中起着关键作用。当前,自动化装置已成为大型设备不可分割的一部分。可以说,如果不配备适当的自动化设备,大型生产过程


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