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网上闲置物品交易系统的研发 摘 要 在现实生活中,越来越多的人对自己的二手物品具有出售的愿望,利用传统的方式进行出售存在一定的局限性。利用网络这个巨大的资源可以构建出一个廉价方便的交易平台,并找到广泛的顾客群,以此来达到出售目的。伴随电子商务的迅猛发展,网上二手商品交易管理系统应运而生。 网上二手商品交易管理系统主要完成对用户权限进行划分,使不同用户具有不同的操作功能;实现二手商品信息的录入和对商品的查询,使卖家可以对出售商品进行实时发布,同时方便买家对二手商品进行选择性购买;实现了对用户和商品的管理,能对信息出错的商品和用户进行相应处理,从而保障交易正常有效进行。 论文共分为6个章节,第一章对当前背景与国内外现状进行分析:第二章对数据库技术等进行简单介绍;第三章对需求进行分析并提出解决方案;第四章是系统的设计过程介绍;第五章对本系统进行测试并得出结果。 关键词:二手商品;交易管理;用户管理;商品管理;用户权限 The Design and Implementation of Second-hand Commodity Exchange Management System Online Abstract In reality, more and more people have desires to sale goods what they have been used. But there is a limitation of sale for traditional methods. We can use internet which is of large resource to construct a cheap and convenient platform to exchange and find wide customers group to get the aim of selling. With the rapidly development of electronic commerce, the management system of secondhand commerce exchange on net comes into being. The management system of secondhand commerce exchange mainly divide powers of users to make different users own different operate factions. Realizing the input of the information of secondhand goods and finding out the goods can make sellers immediately issue the good is that they have sold, and make things convenient for user to buy secondhand goods with selectivity. The management system of secondhand commerce exchange on net realize the management to user and goods, it makes it possible to tackle goods what is of fault information with user. So that, there is a safeguard to exchange normally. This thesis divided into five main modules, respectively is: First, introduction selected topic background and significance and system development present situation; Second, introduction data bank technology, and the plan of B/S structure WEB programming technique; Third, carries on the demand to the current enterprise to analyze and to propose the solution; Fourth, carries on the design according to the solution to the system; Fifth, carries



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