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基于SOA的企业级应用架构整合研究与实践 基于SOA的企业应用集成探讨和实践 摘要:一个典型的企业级应用涉及到众多职能部门在网上开展各种服务,每个服务都体现为一个业务系统,如何将这些业务系统有机地集成在一起发挥最大的功效是企业级应用的一个关键问题。为解决目前大中型企业内异构环境下的企业应用集成,实现与企业外部信息系统的通信,SOA出现了,人们将应用以业务服务的形式发布出来供别人使用,而完全不需要去考虑这些业务服务运行在哪一个架构体系上。SOA考虑了业务发展的长期性,体现了“变化就是永恒”的思想。SOA的核心体现在企业应用或者业务功能上的“重用”和“互操作”。 本文以SOA的观点出发,提出一种完全基于OSS(开源软件)平台、轻量级的企业应用集成架构。该架构使用轻量级Mule ESB作为集成服务的基础;使用XFire作为Web Service的实现;充分使用可配置的策略实现各类系统组件的灵活拆装。系统外部仅开放SOAP/Web Services接口提供外部系统服务通信。这种架构具有SOA特性及相当好的集成效果。最后实现了人力资源管理系统、销售管理系统和账务管理系统三个原型;三个系统之间可以灵活通信,同时也为以后的业务提供了非常好的可扩展性。 关键字:面向服务架构;企业应用集成;企业服务总线;Web服务 The Discussion and Practice of the Enterprise Application Integration Based on the SOA Abstract:A typical enterprise that many functional departments develop various service on Internet. Each service shows up as a business system. What is the key problem in enterprise application is how to organically integrate these business systems together to get the best efficacy. SOA shows up to settle the enterprise application integration in the heterogeneous environment of the large and medium-sized enterprise and realize the correspondence to the exterior of the enterprise. Applications are issued in the form of business service for the use of others, without considering which architecture these business services run on. SOA considers the long-term of the business development and reflects the idea that changing is perpetual. Its core lies in the enterprise application or the reuse and interoperability of the business function. SOA leads ahead in this article and an light enterprise application integration architecture based on the OSS platform is defined. This architecture uses light Mule ESB as the base of the integration service and XFire as the realization of Web Service. It fully use the configurable strategies to realize the agile disassembly for various system components. Only the SOAP/Web Service interface out of the system is provided for communication among the outer systems. This architecture has SOA characterist


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