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摘 要 随着个人计算机和因特网在家庭中的迅速普及,以及信息家电智能化程度的提高,家庭网络,特别是简单、灵活与可靠的家庭网络日益受到人们的关注。作为一种开放性的短距离无线通信技术,蓝牙技术将是家庭网络低速率数据传输的最佳解决方案。 蓝牙工作在全球通用的2.4GHz ISM(工业,科学,医学)频段,由于该频段对所有无线电子系统都开放,Bluetooth设备会受到相当严重的干扰。为此Bluetooth采用了快速跳频技术,以确保最大限度的削减来自其他设备的射频干扰。文章首先介绍了蓝牙跳频系统中跳频序列的产生算法,接着以此算法为基础,以躲避干扰为目的,从提高系统抗干扰能力的角度出发,提出了一种改进的自适应跳频方案来进一步改善系统的性能,最后基于C语言和MATLAB工具对原跳频系统和改进后系统分别进行了系统仿真和性能分析,并对两个系统性能进行了比较。仿真和分析比较结果表明,本文提出的改进方案大大提高了系统的抗干扰能力。 论文还研究了基于蓝牙技术无线家庭网络的实现,阐述了如何通过蓝牙网关来实现对家庭蓝牙信息家电的远程监控,以及家庭内的个人PC机和笔记本电脑等如何通过蓝牙网关访问Internet。本文详细介绍了蓝牙网关的实现,文章从实现蓝牙网关所需的蓝牙应用模型――局域网接入应用模型着手,论述了如何从软件上完成蓝牙协议和基于主机蓝牙上层应用程序的开发,直至最终实现局域网接入应用模型。 关键词:蓝牙,家庭网络,蓝牙网关,局域网接入,跳频算法,自适应。 Abstract With the rapid popularization of PC and Internet in the home, and improvement of the intelligentized degree of information household appliances, HomeNet, especially simple, flexible and robust HomeNet is getting more and more attention. As a short-range wireless communication technology, Bluetooth is one of the best solution to low-rate wireless HomeNet connection. Working at the opening 2.4GHz ISM band which is free to be accessed, Bluetooth devices will be easily interfered with by other systems. To induce the RF interference from other systems by the greatest degree, Bluetooth uses the fast frequency hopping technology. The hop selection algorithm is introduced in this paper. And to improve the performance of anti-interference, an improved adaptive frequency hopping scheme is suggested on the basis of original algorithm. To compare the anti-interference performance between the original and improved system, system emulation and performance analysis is implemented by using C language and Matlab. The result of emulation and analysis shows that the improved scheme put forward by the paper greatly enhances the system’s anti-interference performance. The other part of this paper discusses the research and realization of the Bluetooth-based HomeNet, including how to realize long-distance control to the information household appliances through Int



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