
毕业设计 螺旋式压榨机的设计.doc

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螺旋式压榨机的设计 摘要:螺旋榨油机过去是现在仍然是油脂生产中的一台主机。就是在近代的浸出法制油中队高含油份油料大多采用还是预榨—— 浸出工艺方法来制备油脂,所以预榨机——螺旋榨油机仍然是油脂工业生产中的重要部件。螺旋榨油机的结构直接影响到油脂生产的数量和质量。而榨油机的工作部分是螺旋轴和榨笼构成,料胚经过螺旋轴和榨笼之间的空间——炸膛,而受到压榨。所以它们是榨油机的“心脏”,它们的结构直接影响到榨油机的性能。本文通过了解压榨机的资料,然后比对压榨机的结构,设计其结构,螺杆的设计是整个设计的主体,通过对压榨物质和生产量的取定,得出螺旋杆的设计过程,本文的传动采用两级减速传动,使机器运作稳定。通过对整机功率,转矩,最后定出电机。还要对整个设计重要部件做出校核,能够让机器正常运作。 关键词: 榨油机;榨笼;;生产量;校核 The design spiral presser Abstract: Screw press in the past and is still oil production in a host. Leaching in the modern legal system is the oil companies of most of the high fuel oil were used or pre-press - leaching method to prepare the oil, so pre-press machine - oil screw press is still important components of industrial production. Screw press of the structure of a direct impact on oil production quantity and quality. The press of work is the screw axis and the pressing part of the cage structure, material embryo axis and squeezed This text through the spiral space between the cage - bombing bore, and being squeezed. So they press of the heart, which directly affects the structure of oil press performance. In this paper, the information about press machine, and then compared presser structure, design its structure, the screw design is the design of the main body, squeezing through on the amount of substance and production are constant, obtained screw design process, This text slow down the drive with two transmission, the machine operates in a stable. On machine power, torque, and finally set the motor. Also an important part of the whole design and make check, allowing the normal operation of the machine。 Keywords: oil press; pressed cage;; production; check 第一章 绪论 在我国,榨油机的发展已二十多年,从传统的榨油设备,到现在先进的榨油机器,中国榨油市场得到了翻天覆地的变化,随着市场上的食用油品种增多,榨油机的种类也在增加,压榨方式也各不相同,物理压榨,化学压榨,还有两者结合压榨。回首过去,榨油业在中国从无到有,有弱小逐渐强大的过程。现在市面上食用油分成浸出油和压榨油两种。浸出油是用化学溶剂浸泡油料,再经过复杂的工艺提炼而成,提炼过程中流失了油品的营养成分,而且有化学溶剂的有毒物质残留。所以大众逐渐远离。随着经济的发展,大众已经不是是以前那样只解决温饱了,吃出营养,吃出健康才是现代人的追求,所以压榨油的市场广大,考虑到个人能力的问题,选择了最简单也是最可靠的螺旋式压榨机。 第二


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