
毕业设计 C30—C45混凝土配合比优化设计.doc

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本科毕业设计 C30—C45混凝土 配合比优化设计 摘 要 目前,混凝土的应用范围不断扩大,使混凝土的社会经济效益不断增长这也就说明对混凝土的要求越来越高。在保证强度和工作性的前提下,最经济将是混凝土发展的趋势本文从混凝土原材、矿物掺合料比例、不同水胶比方面对混凝土最优配合比进行研究,测定不同龄期各配比混凝土的抗压强度,观察记录不同水胶比下的混凝土拌合物的工作性,同时得出混凝土的最优配合比。    从表面上看,混凝土配合比计算只是水泥、砂子、石子、水这四种组成材料的用量。实质上是根据组成材料的情况,确定满足上述四项基本要求的三大参数:水灰比、单位用水量和砂率。 混凝土配合比具有重要的科学价值与研究意义。本文就混凝土的最优配合比展开研究,以求对此问题有更加深刻的认识并得出有意义的结论。 关键词 混凝土;最优配合比;水胶比;工作性;原材 Abstract At present, expanding the scope of application of concrete, the concrete social and economic benefits of growing this also illustrates the increasingly high demands of concrete.In ensuring the strength and workability of premise, the concrete is the most economic development trends.This article from the original material, mineral admixture of concrete proportions, three aspects of different water-Binder ratio on optimal mixing proportion of concrete for study, determination of ratio for compressive strength of concrete at different ages, observation records under different water-Binder ratio of concrete mix of work, at the same time that most of the strength of concrete mixing ratio.   On the surface, concrete mix calculations only cement, sand, gravel, water, the amount of the four component materials. Composition of the material is essentially based on the situation, identify the four basic requirements to meet the above three parameters: water-cement ratio, unit water and sand rate Concrete mix has important scientific value and of significance. In this paper, the optimal mixture ratio of concrete to conduct research on this issue in order to have a more profound understanding of, and draw meaningful conclusions. Keywords:Concrete;The optimal mix;Water-Binder ratio;Workability;Raw materials 目 录 Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.1.1 国内混凝土的发展 2 1.1.2 混凝土配合比概述 2 1.1.3 决定混凝土配合比的因素 3 1.1.4 本论文研究的主要内容 4 5 2.1 实验所需原材料与仪器简介 5 2.2 试验装置与原理 12 2.2.1 试验方法 12 20 3.1 配合比设计 20 3.2 混凝土配合比的经济性 21 23 4.1 抗压试验 23 4.1.1 试验方法简介 23 4.1.2 混凝土抗压试验 23 4.2 试验结果 29 4.3 结果分析 29 31 参考文献 32 致谢 3


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