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基于GIS的沱江中游土壤Hg空间变异特征及影响因素分析 ——以金堂县为例资源环境学院 指导师 摘要:本文采用ArcGIS9.0对沱江中游325个土壤汞含量空间变异特征及影响因素进行研究。结果表明,该区土壤中汞平均含量为0.077mg?kg-1土壤汞空间分布以每个高值区为中心向东南递减西北部的金堂县县城地区、东北部福兴镇、中部黄家坊、东南部的晏家沟以及东南部的道沟里为高值区 mg?kg-1),mg?kg-1)主要分布在西南部平桥和中东部石马附近。影响因素研究表明,中壤土汞含量显著高于其它质地土壤。汞含量中性土壤显著高于酸性土壤、强碱性土壤,而极显著高于碱性土壤。有机质与汞含量呈极显著的正相关关系。在坡度为10~15°时,汞含量最少。分析表明,在不同利用方式下,土壤汞含量区内土壤汞含量为农村居民点(0.194±0.081 mg kg-1)旱地(0.190±0.023 mg kg-1)水田(0.189±0.09 mg kg-1)果园(0.187±0.081 mg kg-1)林地(0.180±0.018 mg kg-1)。关键词:汞;空间分析;GIS;影响因素 SPATIAL VARIABILITY AND INFLUENCING FACTORS OF SOIL MERCURY IN THE MIDDLE REACHES OF TUOJIANG RIVER BASIN BASED ON GIS Li Danyang,Land Resource Management, College of Resource and Environment Science, Sichuan Agricultural University Supervisor: Xu Xiaoxu Abstracts: This thesis used the geographic information systems technology (GIS) to analyze the 325 soil samples to form the database for the spatial distribution feature as well as the influence factor of Soil mercury (Hg) content in the middle reaches of Tuojiang. The results suggested that the average of Soil mercury content were 0.077 mg?kg-1. Showing the spatial distribution of soil mercury and high value area of each center to the southeast decreasing characteristics. Jintang county town where the north-west region, the Northeast-Fuxingzhen, Central Huangjiafang, south-east Yanjiagou and south-east Daogouli ditch for high-value area (0.10-0.14 mg ? kg-1), low-value area ( 0.045mg ? kg-1) is mainly distributed in the southwestern Pingqiao and central and eastern Shima.Through exploring the factors that cause the distribution of Hg, it suggests that the soil mercury of medium loam is significantly higher than other; Mercury content in neutral soil were significantly higher than acidic soil, alkaline soil, but significantly higher than alkaline soils; Organic matter and mercury content was highly significant positive correlation.; and, the mercury content is minimum in the gradient of 10 ~ 15 °.The analysis also shows that differe


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