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台州学院2010年大学英语四六级写作考前辅导 CET-4 /6 心理以及注意事项 心理 不战而屈人之兵 更多,更新,更难的题目 处惊不变的能力 出现完全没有想法的作文题目,应该及时调整心态、从容不迫地应答。 评分 熟悉老师的评分习惯 阅卷老师要领会贯彻考试规定的评分原则依照文章的结构和语言水平进行评分 高分:找闪光点和语法点 全国英语专业四级考试大作文评分细则解释 分项评分法 Integrated Marking Scheme 思想与表达(ideas and arguments) (6分) 1. 思想内容 (idea content) 2. 表达效果(effectiveness) 3. 篇章组织结构(rhetorical organization) 语言运用能力(Language use) (7分) 1. 准确性(correctness) 2. 丰富性(richness) 3. 得体性(appropriateness) 4. 流利度(fluency) 写作规范(Mechanics) (2分) 1. 单词拼写正确 2. 标点符号要正确 3. 大小写正确 4. 书写美观 5. 卷面整洁 审题 理解出题目者的意图 花点时间进行构思 理清行文思路 整个过程 No less than 5 min Framework 框架 --- 英语好文章的最重要标志 随便找个空白处 (试卷某个角落) 现象解释类作文 (理由类作文) Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “ Why Are More and More Students Absent from Class?” You should write at least 200 words following the outline given below. 旷课学生越来越多; 旷课问题有不少原因 可行的解决方法 More and more students are absent from the classes and this has become a major problem for some school administrators. This problem has a detrimental effect on the student’s education because it becomes difficult to make up the lost study. The problem of absenteeism has a number of causes but, the main one relates to motivation. If a student is not interested in learning or, at least, the subject being taught, they treat the lessons as useless. Another cause can be the way the teacher conducts the class. If the lessons are not well-planned or don’t provide clear explanations of the subject, it can be hard for the students to get interested. There is unlikely to be any one solution to this problem but a good start is to make the lessons student-oriented. The students need to be the main focus of a lesson. If the students are given the opportunity to ask questions and shown the practical application of what they are being taught, it could help reduce the problem. Framework框架 Part 1: V pattern: hook + thesis statement Part 2: main body: (topic sentence, development, ill


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