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Ser ies No. 402 金 属 矿 山 总第402期 Decem ber 2009 METAL M INE 2009年第 12期 地下残留空区处理技术及应用 1 2 吴建祥 孙国权 ( 11 安徽大昌矿业公司; 21 中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院有限公司) , , , , , , , , 地下空区 处 技术 现场应用 P rocessing Technology of the Underground ResidualM ined-outArea and its Application 1 2 W u ianx iang Sun Guoquan ( 1. A nhu iD achang M ining Company; 2. SinosteelM aanshan Institute of M ining Research Co. , Ltd. ) Abstract T he treatment of res idualm ined-out areas is a focal po int of m ine secur ity m anagem en t in recent years. S ince open p itm in ing m ethod is a smi p le process w ith smi p le equ ipm en t, it is a comm on m ethod for sm all and m edium sized m ines. But the residualm ining-out area is them ajor r isk in m ine safety. For different env ironm en t in differentm ined-out are- a, how to safely and effic iently handle and recover the residual ores w ithout d isturb ing the norm al production w ill bring hug e m ine safety and production effic iency. In th is paper, the technology of recovering the top in turn and operation step by step is a successful solution of the security issues that troubled m ine. K eywords Underground m ined-out area, Processing technology, On- site application , , 600 m @ , 300 m @ 500 m , , , ; 1. 2 , , , 4 , , + 47+ 60+ 75+ 90 m 4 ,


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