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9 — Is that the small town you often refer to? — Right,just the one _____ you know I used to work for years. 10 Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _____ sight matters more than hearing. where where 1.quality n.质量,品质,素质 比较:quantity n.数量 ⑴ 他是一个很有素养/素质的人。 He is a man of ______________. ⑵ 质量比数量更重要。 __________matters more than ________. 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 quantity good quality Quality 派生:act v. n.行动 actively adv.积极地;活跃地 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 2.active adj.积极的;活跃的 be active in ...在某方面很积极,很活跃 ⑴ He lives an ________ act life. ⑵ Abraham Lincoln was active___ politics. 运用:根据句子意义完成下列句子。 active in vote for sb.投票支持某人 vote on sth.投票表决某事 vote in favour of 投票赞成 vote against 投票反对 vote sth. down 投票否决 3.vote vt. vi. 投票;选举 ⑴ We couldn’t decide who to be given the prize,so we had to _______ 投票表决 it. ⑵ Please __________ 投票支持 Tom,a good citizen. 运用:用以上词语完成句子。 vote for vote on ⑶ The citizens _____________ 投票反对 his being president. ⑷ Everybody ________________ 投票赞成 the new law on pollution. votes in favour of voted against ⑴ The beauty of the West Lake ______ me. ⑵ The Japanese ________ China in 1937. 4.attack vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 比较:attract vt. 吸引 运用:用attack或attract填空。 attacked attracts 5.escape vt . vi.逃跑,逃脱;忘掉 n. 逃跑 escape from sth.从……中逃脱 escape sth./doing sth.避免了做…… have a narrow/near escape 九死一生 a fire escape消防通道 ⑴ Two of the prisoners have escaped ____ the prison. ⑵ He escaped _______________ punish . ⑶ 恐怕一时我想不起你的名字。 I’m afraid your name __________ now. 运用:用适当的词填空或按提示完成句子。 escapes me from being punished beg sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事 beg for sth.请求得到 beg sb. for sth.向某人恳求某物 beg sb’s pardon请求某人原谅 句子读降调 ;求某人重复所说的话 句子读升调. 6.beg vt. 请求;乞求;乞讨 vi.请求;乞求 派生:beggar n 乞丐;乞讨者 运用:用适当的词填空或按提示完成句子。 ⑴ The prisoner beg _____ mercy. ⑵ She gave the_______ beg some money. ⑶ 我请求你不要把那件事告诉我父亲。 I beg you _____________________________. not to tell my father about that for beggar reward sb. with sth.奖给某人



