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Traditional teahouses in the southern region of China
Historical development of teahouses。
A Chinese saying identifies the seven basic daily necessities as fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy
sauce, vinegar, and tea. Tea drinking, as a national custom, has developed over almost five
thousand years. It is typically a ceremonial act, which has developed into an art form. The
teahouse, approximate equivalent to the western café, provides the social setting for this
During the Song Dynasty (960-1126 AD) tea was introduced into general use as a distinctively social beverage (Ukers 1935). An Arab merchant who visited China during the 9th century wrote that tea was the common beverage of the country. He further noted that: Elaborate teahousesappeared in many cities and the tea was widely cultivated (Hardy, 1979, p49). These teahouses had delightful names and appeared in neighborhood settings. Ukers (1935) described these houses as reflective of the luxury of the time. Bouquets of fresh flowers adorned the room, and Precious Thunder tea, tea of fritters and onions, and pickle broth were displayed for sale (p397).
Tea has been Chinas national beverage for over four thousand years and tea drinking has
been an important aspect of Chinese culture. Tradition and art has had an impact on shaping the
tea culture in China and helped to elevate tea drinking into an art form known as the tea ceremony.
Teahouses that served as the social communication centers were first established in the
tea-growing region (southern region) and spread rapidly to all of China. Based on the traditional
architecture and art, teahouses developed their regional styles. Historic teahouse design in the
southern region of China provides rich resources from which to draw inspiration for designing a
contemporary teahouse.
The structure of the traditional architecture
Chinese traditional architecture dates back 7000 years (Fu, 1984). Although different
geographical and climatic condition
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