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2010年考研英语一统考真题     Dnecclious:   Read thc following text.Choose the bcsl word(s) for each numbcred blank.and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)   In 1924 American National Research Council sent to engineer to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the Hawhtore Plant near   Chicago It hoped they would learn how stop-floor Egnting __1__ workors productivity Instead,the studies ended__2__ giving their name to the“Hawhthome   effect”the extremely inflentlcel ldea the veey__3__to bemg expenmented upon changed subjects’behavior   The idea arose because of the__4__behavior of the women in the plato.Accordmg to __5__of the cxpetmems.their.houriy output rose when hghtmg WaS   increased.but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6__what was done in the expenment. __7__sometmg was duchnty rose A(n) __8__ that they   were bemg experimented upon seemed to be __9__t0 alterworkers bchamor __10__ uself   After several decades,the salile data were __11__to econometric the analysis Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store j2一the descnpuons on record,no   systematic __13__was foundthat lcvcls of produchxnty wererelated to changes in lighting   It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the c~enments may be have let to __14__interpretation of what happed.__15__,tighring was always changed on   a Sunday When work started again on Monday, output __16__ rose compared with the previous Saturday and __17__ to rise for the next couple of days __18__ , ,   a comparison with data for weeks whenthere was no expenmentation showed that output always went up On Monday, workers __19__to be duigent for the first few   days of the week in any case,before __21__a plateau and then slackening off This suggests that the alleged” Hawthorne effect“is hard to ptn down   1.[A] affected [B]achieved [C]exlracted [D]restored   2[A]at [B]up [C]with [D]Off   3[A]Wuth [B]sight [C]act [D]proof   4.[A]conVoversial [B]perpl


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