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China's traditional festival Tomb-sweeping Day The origin of the Ching Ming Festival: China's traditional Qingm ing Festival began in about the Zhou Dynasty, 2,500 years of history have been. In ancient times it than the day before the Hansik impor tant, as Ching Ming and Hansik close to the date, civil gradually th e two customs integration, to the Sui and Tang dynasties years (581- 907), the Ching Ming Festival and will gradually Hansik integration With a special day, grave-sweepers become a place for ancestral wors hip of the day, that is, today's Ching Ming Festival. Therefore, the Ching Ming Festival and the Chinese nation to become a fixed custom . Hansik Cold Food Observance that fire ban, can only eat cold food or pre-煮好. Legend has it that custom originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, when Jin was to kill the son Zhonger, loyal refe rral of pushing (also known as Jie Zaitui) will escort Zhonger to fl ee, even in Jihanjiaopo the occasion, cut off their Zhonger meat to eat, I hope that his return to Enron, when the monarch, diligent and loving. 10 years later, when Zhonger finally return home on the mon arch, that is one of the Spring and Autumn Wu Ba Jin Wengong, and on e by one rewarded during the exile of people to assist him, but forg ot to push the referral, he reminded the others, only to immediately refer the messenger The push to Lingshang. However, referral of pus hing his mother to the mountains and hide. Jinwen Gong and Chen Zi i n the mountains Bianxun not, it was suggested that set fire Hill, th e push is referred Xiaozai, will save the mother out. However, a lar ge fire on the 3rd and three nights, still not referred to the push. Fire off, the people found under a willow-of pushing back the bodie s of his mother. Jinwen Gong is very sad and regret, they will be bu ried under the willows. Jinwen Gong will set fire Hill, the day, as Hansik, the provisions of the ban use of fire, the Cold Foo


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