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单级离心泵设计 摘 要 本设计从离心泵的基本工作原理出发,进行了一系列的设计计算。考虑离心泵基本工作性能,流量范围大,扬程随流量而变化,在一定流量下只能供给一定扬程(单级扬程一般10~80m)本设计50m,泵水力方案(n=67.5)采用单级单吸结构Centrifugal Pump Design Manual Abstract : This design starting from the basic working principle of the centrifugal pump, conducted a series of design calculations. consider the basic centrifugal pump performance, flow in a wide range, lift varies with the flow, the flow can only supply some lift (single-stage lift is generally 10~80m).The design head is 50m ,the design of the pump hydraulic scheme by calculating the number of revolutions(n=67.5) to determine the single-stage single-suction structure; choice of motor shaft power calculation; design parameters to determine the pump suction outlet diameter; determine the structure of the impeller and the impeller of the drawing of the hydraulic design of the impeller; flow parts of the design of centrifugal pump suction chamber for straight conical suction chamber, pressed out of the spiral-shaped pressure chamber; the structure and strength check of the axis design; determine the impeller centrifugal pump seal design, pump closed form and washing, lubrication, cooling method; determined by checking the standard bearings, and coupling to ensure that the standard connection. Departure from the economic viability of the rational design of centrifugal pump components, select the standard connector, to ensure the water using a centrifugal pump design safety, practicality, economy. Keyword: Centrifugal pump working principle ; Hydraulic design; Component design of the impeller and the over current; Strength check; Seal design; The choice of key and bearing 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 电动机的选择 2 2.1 原动机概述 3 2.2 原动机选择 3 2.2.1 泵有效功率 3 2.2.2 泵轴功率 3 2.2.3 泵计算功率 3 2.3.4 选择电动机 4 3 泵主要设计参数和结构方案确定 5 3.1 设计参数 5 3.2 泵进出口直径 5 3.2.1 泵吸入口径 5 3.2.2 泵排出口径 5 3.3 泵转速 5 3.4 泵水力结构及方案 6 3.5 泵的效率 7 3.5.1 泵总效率 7 3.5.2 机械损失和机械效率 7 3.5.3 容积损失和容积效率 8 3.5.4 水力损失和水力效率 8 4 离心泵泵轴及叶轮水力设计计算 9 4.1 泵轴及其结构设计 9 4.1.1 泵轴传递扭矩 9


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