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商丘职业技术学院毕业设计(论文) 题目:基于J2EE结构的网上商城的设计与实现 系部:软件学院 专业:软件技术 班级:软件(2)班 学号:0909340214 姓名:吴xx 指导教师:张xx 完成日期: 2011 年5月 6 日 摘 要 随着社会的发展,科技的进步,作为信息载体的计算机日益显露出其举足轻重的地位。当今社会已步入了信息社会,知识经济将成为新世纪的主导产业。伴随计算机的逐步推广和使用,计算机已在科研、生产、商业、服务等许多方面创造了提高效率的途径。 特别是人类进入新千年以来,信息产业得到飞速发展。经济的全球化,人们生活在动态流通的环境中,也越来越需求及时,互动,反馈的为标准的服务产品。Internet飞速发展使互联网成为人们快速获取发布和传递信息的重要渠道,也使电子商务平台得到广泛的应用,特别是阿里巴巴(支付宝)、中银控(Chinapay)等大型公司的第三方支付平台的相继推出,使网络购物功能日趋完善和成熟。可以说电子商务正改变着人们已有的生活方式。其在改善生活质量的同时,在用户体验方面也得到很大提升。 因此,本文着眼于电子商务平台,从基于网上商城系统入手,模拟淘宝网、京东商城、当当网等三大网购门户网站,以服务器-浏览器(B/S)架构,整合最新web2.0 开发的Hibernate3.x+Struts2.x+Jquery开源框架,尝试对网上购物系统的各功能模块及业务逻辑作出简要浅析,并对部分用例给出具体实现。 关键字:网上购物;购物车;权限管理;订单 Abstract With the social development, technological advances, increasing the computer as an information carrier revealing his important position. Todays society has entered the information society, knowledge-based economy will be the leading industry in the new century. With the gradual promotion and use of the computer, the computer in scientific research, production, commerce, services, and many other aspects to create a more efficient way. In particular the new millennium, mankind has been the rapid development of information industry. Economic globalization, the flow of people live in a dynamic environment, more and more demand for timely, interactive feedback as the standard of service products. The rapid development of Internet makes quick access to the Internet become an important issue and transfer of information channels, e-commerce platform also widely used, especially Ali Baba (Alipay), Bank of Control (Chinapay) and other large third-party payment platform company launched to make online shopping functions are becoming more perfect and mature. Can be said that electronic commerce is changing peoples way of life has been. Improve the quality of life in the same time, the user experience has also been greatly improved. Therefore, this paper focuses on e-com


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