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摘 要 随着世界汽车工业的发展汽车保有量增加交通事故生命和财产,人们对安全日益重视,汽车安全技术对减少交通事故着汽车安全技术的研究成为当今。 对汽车安全技术的研究持续了一个多世纪。因而,汽车安全技术的发展现状及趋势重要。 论文简单介绍了汽车主、被动安全技术的发展现状。C-NCAP碰撞测试结果汽车安全装置对减少交通事故的作用汽车安全技术与交通安全之间的关系现代汽车安全技术存在的一些主、被动安全技术:集成化、智能化、系统化是未来汽车安全技术发展的趋势关键词:; Abstract With the auto industry is increasingly developed, the sharp increase in global car owne rship. Chinas vast land, as the most populous country in the world, the demand for car essential convenient transport, utilization great test of learning ability and practical experience in vehicle maintenance and repair personnel holdings. By engine as the core energy of the car to work properly, often working in the idle state, such as a red light, and also the ignition start. Necessary in the case of the principle structure, the depth of its common fault analysis and diagnosis as vehicle maintenance practitioners. The paper briefly introduces the current status of the active and passive safety technologies. The paper analyzes the C-NCAP crash test results and the significance of typical vehicle safety devices to reduce the traffic accidents, which sufficiently shows the importance of the efficient automotive safety technology. The shortages of the current automotive safety technology are found during the analysis. On this basis, the paper separately analyzes tends of the active and passive safety technologies from the microcosmic point of view,and educes the conclusion: integrationism, intelligentize, systematism are the macroscopical tends of it in the future. Key words:utomobile; Safety technology; Current status; Tend; Traffic safety 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究目的及意义 1 1.1.1 交通安全重要性 1 1.1.2 本论文研究的必要性 2 1.2 研究内容 3 2 汽车安全技术发展现状 4 2.1 主动安全技术发展现状 4 2.1.1 制动系统 4 2.1.2 悬架和转向系统 6 2.2 被动安全技术发展现状 7 2.2.1 安全带 7 2.2.2 安全气囊 8 2.2.3 车身设计 8 3 汽车安全技术与交通安全之间的关系分析 10 3.1 C-NCAP结果分析 10 3.2 典型汽车安全装置对交通安全的作用 15 3.2.1 ABS系统 15 3.2.2 ESP系统 17 3.2.3 车道偏离警示系统 18 3.2.4 TPMS与BMBS 18 3.2.5 安全气囊 19 3.2.6 安全带 19 4 汽车安全技术发展趋势分析 21 4.1 目前汽车安


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