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 CD8+调节性 T 细胞的分类及其对自身免疫 性疾病的治疗作用# * 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40  摘要:由于在胸腺阴性选择过程中,只删除了与自身抗原有高亲和力识别的 T 细胞克隆, 因此一些与自身抗原具有中低亲和力结合能力的自身反应性 T 细胞被释放到了外周免疫系 统,并有可能在一定的条件下活化并引起自身免疫性疾病。这一过程在外周被一系列外周免 疫耐受机制所监控,其中就包括具有免疫抑制作用的调节性 T 细胞(Treg)。在 Treg 中, 由于表面标志分子 CD25 和转录因子 Foxp3 的发现,我们对 CD4+ Treg 的作用和机制已有深 入的研究。而除了 CD4+ Treg 之外,CD8+调节性 T 细胞(CD8+ Treg)也在免疫调节中具 有重要作用。但是由于缺少可靠的表面标志将调节性 CD8+ T 细胞与一般 CD8+细胞区别开 来,相关的研究一直无法深入。在不同的实验体系中,一些细胞表面分子逐渐被作为一些 CD8+调节性 T 细胞亚群的标志性分子。Qa-1 作为一种非经典的 MHC Ib 类分子,在小鼠中 被证明能介导 CD8+调节性 T 细胞的作用,其敲除也与许多自身免疫性疾病的发生有关。而 多种 CD8+调节性 T 细胞也被证明具有 Qa-1 限制性。因此对 Qa-1 分子的相关研究,将对调 节性 CD8+T 细胞定义的明确起到极为重要的作用。 关键词:免疫学;CD8+调节性 T 细胞;Qa-1;自身免疫性疾病 中图分类号:R392 Classification of CD8+ regulatory T cells and their therapeutic effects on autoimmune diseases Yao Yunliang1,2, Lu Linrong1 (1. Institute of Immunology,Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310058; 2. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School of Huzhou Teachers College, Huzhou 313000) Abstract: During their development in the thymus, T cell clones which have a measurable affinity for self-antigens are deleted via nagative selection. However, this process is incomplete. T cells carrying receptors with intermediate and low affinity for self-antigens are routinely released into peripheral lymphoid tissues, where they may become activated, expand and possibly initiate autoimmune diseases. This process is held in check by several peripheral tolerance mechanisms, including specialized regulatory T cells (Tregs) that suppress immune reactions to self. Tregs belonging to the CD4+ T cell lineage have been extensively studied after theclarification of the surface marker CD25 and lineage specific transtranscription factor Foxp3. In addition to CD4+ Tregs, CD8+ regulatory T cells (CD8+ Tregs) also play important roles in immune regulation. But research on CD8+ Treg has been hindered by the lack of a reliable surface marker to distinguish CD8+ Treg from conventional CD8+ cells. Several cell surface molecules ha


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