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 CO-OFDM 系统中的高登米勒效应研究 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 摘要:高登米勒效应(Gordon–Mollenauer,G-M)即非线性相位噪声会随着传输距离的增 加而成三次方关系剧增,是长距离相位调制系统中一个不可忽略的损伤。光 OFDM 系统由 于其较高的 PAPR 和严格的正交性要求,势必对非线性相位噪声非常敏感。本文提出一种将 高登米勒效应与光链路中其他噪声分离的方法,来研究 CO-OFDM 系统中自发辐射(ASE) 噪声沿链路的分布是如何影响系统性能的。利用 VPI 和 matlab 软件,搭建了速率为 112Gb/s 的 PDM-OFDM 仿真平台。基于该平台,仿真了不同光功率下,CO-OFDM 系统中 G-M 效 应的变化趋势,并和相同容量的 QPSK 信号进行对比。研究表明,随着入纤功率的提高, G-M 效应会伴随着克尔效应的增强而逐渐剧烈;同样的链路配置下,QPSK 信号对 G-M 噪 声更加敏感。 关键词:光通信;高登米勒效应;正交频分复用;非线性;相位噪声 中图分类号:TN913.7 Reserch of Gordon–Mollenauer Effect in CO-OFDM System Qian Wenhui, QIAO Yaojun (State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876;) Abstract: Nonlinear phase noise (Gordon–Mollenauer, G-M) is accumulated as the three power relations of transmission distance and it must not be negligible phase-shift-keyed modulation formats. Because of its high PAPR and strict requirement for orthogonality, optical OFDM system would be very sensitive to the nonlinear phase noise. In this article, we come up with a research method, which separates the nonlinear phase noise from the other noise in links, to study the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise distributed in the fiber link. With the VPI and Matlab simulation tools, the 112Gb/s PDM-OFDM simulation platform is constructed. Based on the platform, the new research method is verified first, and the effect of G-M noise in OFDM system and QPSK system under different power is then simulated and contrasted. The results show that G-M effect will enhance with the increasing of input power. And the QPSK signal is more sensitive to the G-M than OFDM signal. Key words: ptical communications; Gordon–Mollenauer ;OFDM ;nonlinearity; phase noise 0 引言 Gordon-Mollenauer(G-M)效应是信号和放大器的自发辐射(ASE)之间的非线性作用 引起的。ASE 是一种线性的幅度噪声,通过自相位调制转换成相位噪声[1]。该非线性相位噪 声引起的相位随机性旋转,给相位调制解调光系统带来极大的损伤[2]。在接收机端,累积的 3 统性能损伤。 G-M 效应自 1990 年被 Gordon 和 Mollenauer 提出后,人们对其产生机理、对系统影响 以及补偿进行了深入地研究[4]。但是过去的研究多是针对单载波


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