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p-adic全纯曲线分享超平面的不计重数的唯一 性定理 n 唯一性定理,这改进了Ru在2001年证明的分享3n + 1个一般位置超平面的唯一性定理。 关键词:多复变函数, p-adic全纯曲线, 超平面, 唯一性定理 中图分类号: O174 Uniqueness Theorem for p-adic Holomorphic Curves intersecting Hyperplanes without Counting Multiplicities Yan Qiming Department of Mathematics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092 Abstract: In this paper, a uniqueness theorem is proved for p-adic holomorphic curves into Pn(Cp) sharing 2n + 2 hyperplanes located in general position without counting multiplicities, which gives an improvement of Ru’s result for 3n + 1 hyperplanes located in general position . Key words: Several complex variables, p-adic holomorphic curve, hyperplane, uniqueness theorem 0  Introduction It is well known that two nonconstant polynomials f, g over C are identical if there exist two distinct values a, b such that f(x) = a if and only if g(x) = a and f(x) = b if and only if g(x) = b. In 1926, R. Nevanlinna [1] extended this result to meromorphic functions. He showed that, for two distinct nonconstant meromorphic functions f and g on the complex plane C, they can not have the same inverse images for ?ve distinct values. W. W. Adams and E. G. Straus [2] showed that p-adic entire functions behave in many ways more like polynomials than like entire functions of a complex variable. They proved the -1- following theorem. Theorem A. Let f and g be two nonconstant p-adic entire functions. Let a and b be two distinct(?nite) values. Assume that f(x) = a ? g(x) = a and f(x) = b ? g(x) = b. Then f ≡ g. For p-adic meromorphic functions, they obtained the following result. Theorem B. Let f and g be two nonconstant p-adic meromorphic functions. Let a1, a2, a3 and a4 be four distinct values. Assume that f(x) = ai ? g(x) = ai for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then f ≡ g. In 2001, Ru [3] extended Theorem B to p-adic holomorphic curves in projective space. A p-adic holomorphic curve f is a map f = [f0 : · · · : fn] : Cp → Pn(Cp), where f0, . . . , fn are p-adic entire functions without common zeros.


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