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安徽大学江淮学院 本科毕业论文(设计) (内封面) 题  目: B2C网站流量及转化率提升策略 学生姓名:  黄荣  学号: JN084029 院(系): 经济系    专业: 电子商务 入学时间: 2008   年   09 月 导师姓名: 刘晓云  职称/学位:  副教授/硕士 毕业论文(设计)提交时间:二○ 一二 年 五 月 安徽大学江淮学院教务处 制 B2C网站流量及转化率提升策略 摘 要 随着电子商务的发展,加上金融海啸的影响,越来越的企业开始走上电子商务的道路。目前,B2C电子商务网站非常的多,其发展更是日益迅速。如何提升网站被访问的数量,如何吸引顾客选择自己的服务或产品,已经成为B2C网站运营的核心问题。因此,我们有必要对B2C网站流量及转化率提升策略的进行全方位的思考。国内外有许多学者对这一领域已经有了大量的研究,成果颇丰。本文在现有的理论支撑下,主要从B2C网站流量及转化率两个方面,采用归纳和演绎相结合的方法来阐述B2C网站流量及转化率提升的策略,对其提升的策略进行总结和分析,提供了B2C电子商务流量及转化率提升策略的具体方案,对实际的应用有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:B2C网站;网站流量;网站转化率;提升策略 The promotion strategy of B2C website traffic and conversion rates Abstract With the development of e-commerce, and the influence of financial tsunami, more and more enterprises began to the way of electronic commerce. At present, the B2C e-commerce sites is very much, its development is also growing rapidly, and how to improve the number of the site has been access, how to promote the customers choose their own service or product, it has become the core of the B2C website operation. Therefore, it is necessary for B2C sites flow rate and the promotion of the strategy conversion in all think. There are many scholars at home and abroad in this field and have also started a lot of results. Based on the existing theories support, mainly from the B2C website traffic and conversion rate two aspects, the induction and deduction to illustrate the method of combining the B2C sites and conversion of ascension flow strategy, the promotion strategy carry on the summary and analysis, the authors put the concrete plan of the B2C e-commerce flow rate and improving strategy conversion .It has a certain significance to the actual application. This paper expounds is only directed at B2C e-commerce sites of the development of a profile, but also B2C e-commerce sites development process is a very important part. Keywords: B2C website; website traffic; website conversion rate; promotion strategy 目 录 引


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