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摘 要:一般地,一国货币汇率稳定,能构造良好的国际投资环境,吸引外资流入,从而使该国国际储备增加;反之,则导致资本外流,外汇储备减少.当一国的汇率变动导致出口大于进口时,则外汇收入增加,外汇储备增加。所以,这一基于Web技术的外汇牌价自动发布系统的设计则可以为广大用户带来方便。
关键词:外汇牌价;VB 6.0;界面设计;INI文件;ADODB;Access 2003
The design of the foreign exchange rate auto-issue system based on the Web
——abstracting, inputting and renewing of the data
Abstract: Generally, the stable exchange rate of a country can build a good invested environment and absorb foreign capital people, thus, it can increase its national store for future use. Otherwise, it can cause capital flight, and reduce its foreign exchange reserve. When the exportation is more than the importation caused by exchange rate changing, both its foreign exchange income and its foreign exchange reserve will increase. Therefore, we call to mind that completing this automatic issue system design based on Web technical foreign exchange rate can bring more conveniences.
In this design, using the formidable ability which provided by VB development platform, producing the stored data by the automated analysis result editor formidable, storing up the memory storehouse by the popular INI document format, demonstrating memory storehouse by sheet, preserving the result through visiting the platform by the formidable ADODB new database, and preserving the data by the popular Access database in order to make the system have the great extendibility and the usability. The procedure may analyze each bank after the confirmation in the foreign exchange rate table data, and it may analyze other homepages the data as well.
In this design, we mainly can realize to extract and i