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毕业设计 题 目 会议客户管理系统 会议客户管理系统 摘 要:随着全球经济和技术的高速发展,我国企业在规模和数量上都处于快速增长状态,而企业与企业之间以及企业内部之间需要大量的相互交流才能保证企业的正常运作,这一交流的方式大部分都是通过会议的方式来实现的,因此大量的会议以及复杂的客户信息需要一个系统来对其进行管理。本系统操作简单且方便实用,满足了对会议客户管理的基本需求。系统主要包括用户管理、举办会议、客户管理、分类查询、统计汇总、数据导出及报表打印等几个模块。整个系统的设计采用了Visual C++ 6.0以及大型数据库系统SQL Server来完成。从整个开发过程到系统的测试,在一定程度上实现了会议客户管理的需求,对于大量的会议以及复杂的客户信息能起到预期的管理作用。当然,从一个长远的角度来看,该系统也存在自身的缺陷,有必要在以后的开发中进行完善与维护。 关键词:会议;客户管理;SQL Server;VC++ Meeting and Customer Management System Abstract: With the high speed development of global economy and technology, our country enterprise are growth rapidly in size and number, and both among the different enterprise and in the enterprise internal needs a lot of communication to ensure enterprise’s normal operation. Mostly, the way of communication is meeting. So lots of meetings information and the complex customer information need a system to manage them. This system operation simply and it’s convenient and practical. The system includes user management, meeting holding, customer management, classification inquiry, statistics compiling, data output and print etc several modules. The design of the entire system uses VC++ 6.0 and the large database system SQL Server to develop. From the entire development process to the system test, to a certain extent to achieve the requirements of the meeting and customer management system, and also to conduct an expected management of lots of meeting and the complex customer information. Of course, from a long-term point of view, there is the system’s own deficiencies, there is need in the future to improve the development and maintenance. Key words: meeting; customer management; SQL server; VC++ 目 录 摘要 Ⅰ 目录 Ⅲ TOC \o 1-3 \u 1、引 言 PAGEREF _Toc293625586 \h 1 1.1 开发背景 1 1.2课题研究目的和意义 1 1.3课题欲解决的问题 PAGEREF _Toc293625588 \h 2 1.4可行性分析 2 1.4.1 技术可行性 2 1.4.2 使用可行性 2 2、系统平台选择 4 2.1 运行平台选择 4 2.2 数据库平台选择 4 2.2.1 概述 4 2.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 的特性 4 2.3 DBMS工程开发模式的选择 4 2.3.1 C/S结构 5 2.3.


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