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摘 要 巡线机器人是一个复杂的机电一体化系统,涉及机械结构、自动控制、通信、传感器信息融合、电源技术等多个领域。自主巡线机器人能跨越线路附件、线塔等障碍物,实施大范围、长时间的线路巡检作业。 本文介绍了一种沿高压电力线行走并自动跨越障碍物的巡线机器人,并详细介绍了这种机器人控制系统的硬件电路设计和软件编程,以及该系统硬件和软件的几种抗干扰措施,实现了计算机控制。本控制系统以AT89S51单片机为核心,根据传感器检测到的信号,分别控制11个直流电机正反转,完成巡线机器人的各种动作,按照预定的固定路线行走。此机器人具有自动检测障碍,并跨越障碍物,准确行走、准确定位等特征,结构较简单,易于实现。 关键词: 巡线机器人 越障 传感器检测 抗干扰 Abstract The mobile for inspection is a complicated system of incorporating machine and electricity, it refers to machine structure, control automatically, correspondence, amalgamation of sensor information, and the technique of power supply and so on. This robot can span obstacles such as circuitry accessories, string tower, etc, implement long-playing circuitry inspection of wide area. This article introduces a mobile robot for overhead power line inspection which can walk over the barrier in the inspection system automatically, and presents the hardware circuit design and software program of this robot’s control system in detail, and it also takes several hardware and software measures of anti-jamming, realize the control of computer. The control system is centered of singlechip AT89S51, it control 11 electromotor D.C. respectively running and in reversed according to the sensor information, and control the robot perform all kinds of actions in treading in a certain line. The robot is provided with the ability of barrier inspection automatically, and walking over it, walking nicety, precise position, etc. It has a simple structure, however it is easy to realize. Key words: inspection robot; getting over the obstacle; detection ;anti-jamming 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 机器人的发展概况 1 1.2 课题的提出及意义 3 1.3本设计的主要任务 3 2 巡线机器人的工作原理 5 2.1巡线机器人的机械结构 5 2.2巡线机器人的越障过程 6 3 控制系统的硬件构成 8 3.1概述 8 3.2.1控制器的结构与组成 9 3.2.2 MCS-51单片机引脚介绍 10 3.2.3稳压电源 11 3.2.4 复位电路 12 3.2.5 时钟源 13 3.3输入部分 14 3.3.1用于巡线的光电传感器介绍 14 3.3.2光电传感器信号的处理 15 3.3.3限位开关输入的处理 19 3.4输出部分 19 3.4.2继电器的选择 21 3.4.3用继电器控制直流电机 22 3.5硬件系统的抗干扰措施 24 4 控制系统的软件编程 25 4.1工作流程图 25 4.2主程序 27 4.3延时子程序的应用 28 4.4软件编程的抗干


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