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21 1 教 师 教 育 研 究 Vol121, No11
2009 1 Teacher Education Research Jan1, 2009
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(陕西师范大学教育科学学院, 陕西 西安 710062)
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[] 659121 [] A [] 1672- 5905 ( 2009) 01- 0001- 05
R eflection on T enden cy to Pendu lum in Current
Teacher Education of Our Coun try
LON Bao-xin
(School of E ducat ion S cience, Shanx iN orm al Un iv ers ity, X ipan, Shanx ,i 710062, Ch ina )
A bstrac t: Teacherps learning is a kind of activity that referred to taking in, sending out, applying and integrating the extrin-
sic educational experience and ideaw ith the purpose of quickening up teacherps development. Currently, a sort of teacherps
learning view that is based on teacherps self, experience and practice is likely to dominate the mainstream of teacher educa-
tion reform, thus resulting in a tendency to pendulum. Teacherps development canpt go w ithout education theory, teacher
educator and receptive learning. It is theway out for teacher education in our country to get rid of the plight thatwe should
reconstruct the concept of learning in the view of interaction between intrinsic factor and extrinsic one.
K ey W ords: teacherps learning; education theory; teacher educator; receptive learning
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