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封面 摘 要 随着计算机信息管理的日益发展,利用计算机的强大的信息处理及管理功能已成为现实,其目标是使各单位的管理更加的规范化,更加的方便,提高工作质量,并实现与各级部门迅速、可靠的进行信息交换,达到资源公享的目的。 高等学校干部管理系统,以其独有的现代高等学校管理体制相适应的特征,为高等学校党委选拔使用人才奠定了良好的基础。 《干部管理系统》以干部信息管理为中心,包括统计分析、任免管理、培训管理、干部考核、干部监督等子系统。各个子系统的人员信息均统一来源于干部管理信息库,并且各个子系统的操作结果将信息实时反馈到干部信息中围绕干部管理工作打造一个综合的信息化平台。有效促进组织部门干部管理工作的标准化、规范化、科学化,加快整个组织系统干部管理工作信息化建设步伐,同时为组织系统其它信息化建设积累实践经验。 关键字:干部管理、数据库管理、信息数据库 Abstract Along with the development of computer information management, using a computers powerful information processing and management function has become a reality, its goal is to make each unit management more standardization, more convenient, improve quality and realizing the rapid and reliable with various departments of exchange information, achieve the purpose of male enjoy resources. Higher school cadre management system, with its unique modern higher school management system, adapt to the characteristics of higher school party selection using the talent has laid a good foundation. The cadre management system to cadre information management as the center, including statistical analysis, dismissing management, training management, cadre assessment, cadre supervision and other subsystems. The various subsystems personnel information databases are unified from cadre management, and the various subsystems operating results will information real-time feedback to the cadre information management work around cadres build a comprehensive information platform. Effectively promote the organization department cadre management standardization, standardized, scientific, accelerate the entire organization system cadre management informatization construction pace, at the same time for organization system accumulated experience of other information construction. Key Words:Cadre management、database management、 information database 引 言 5 1需求分析 6 1.1市场需求分析 6 1.2系统需求分析 7 1.2.1系统具有的功能 7 1.2.2软件功能模块图 7 1.2.3软件数据流图 10 1.2.4功能简要描述 11 1.2.5功能需求 11 1.2.6性能需求 14 1.3可行性研究 14 1.3.1系统的实现平台 14 1.3.2 开发工具的选择 14 1.3


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