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方案 2 two 方案 3 Three Others 嘉里唐山凤凰新城项目提报 Jiali Tang Shan submitted Phoenix Metro project 营销目标及核心挑战 PARTI Marketing objectives and core challenges 营销目标 做唐山价格第一盘 我们的终极目的是卖得最贵,至于品牌最强,口碑最佳,品质最好,影响力最大等等皆是手段, 唯“在最高的销售价格上将项目顺利售出”为最终衡量一切营销成败的标准。 To do the first set of Tangshan prices Our ultimate goal is to sell the most expensive, as the strongest brand, the best reputation, best quality, most influential, and so are the means,Only the highest sales price in the successful projects will be soldas the ultimate measure of success of all marketing standards. 核心挑战 项目的唯一性从何而来? “最贵”和“贵”的区别在于:“贵”指向“值不值”,即消费的理性评估。而“最贵”则指向“是否不可替代”,即消费行为是否可获得“独一无二”的利益。从本案营销目标而言,“最贵”这一目标显然将项目核心挑战导向创造“独一无二,不可替代”的消费价值(或曰核心利益)这一方向。 The uniqueness of the project come from? expensiveandexpensive The difference is: your point worth, that is the rational assessment of consumption. The most expensive the point is irreplaceable, the availability of consumer behavior that is unique interests. Marketing objectives from the case, the most expensive of the core challenges of the project is clearly oriented to create a unique and irreplaceableconsumer value (or said core interests) in this direction. 核心挑战的解决方向 建立一种足以支撑本案价格唯一性的消费利益认知体系 本案周边竞品,目前均采取了创造差异化的行销手法,但对于本案营销目标而言,单纯的卖点差异化并不足以支撑项目“唯一性选择”这一根本核心挑战。全面的领先与差异,才是项目的立身之本。 Establish a case sufficient to support the interests of the consumer price and uniqueness of the cognitive system Competing products surrounding the case, are currently adopted to create differentiated marketing strategies, marketing goals, but for the present case, the simple difference between the selling point is not sufficient to support the project of only sexual selection, the fundamental core challenge. Differences between the leading and comprehensive, is the conduct of the project. 项目维度分析与品牌DNA输出 PARTII Dimension of the project output and Brand DNA 地源维度 城市维度:过去——伤痛中走出的城市。今日——京津之外环渤海经济带未来核心,国际化都市渐臻雏形,中国的奇迹。 区域维度:新城市发展核心所在,唐山国际化发展趋势前沿。 项目位置维度:核心中的核心——城市新核心区CBD的核心所在。规划CBD办公区与生活区交集地域。 不可替


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