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设 计 总 说 明 PS水库位于河北省沙河市境内,属海河流域滏阳河系沙洺河支流。本工程存在的主要问题如下: (1)大坝基础抗滑不满足要求,坝体高水位时渗漏严重。 (2)坝顶高程在不满足规范要求。 (3)放水洞闸阀损坏。 (4)大坝下游无消能防冲设施。 经鉴定大坝属于三类坝。 PS水库除险加固设计是根据实际工程进行初步设计,主要内容包括坝体的抗滑稳定计算,坝基应力复合,溢流坝过流能力及消能计算等几个部分。 坝体抗滑稳定计算是重力坝设计的一项重要内容,其目的是验算坝体沿坝基面的抗滑稳定安全度,利用公式判别大坝是否满足抗滑稳定要求。经计算得大坝在某些工况下不满足抗滑稳定要求。 应力分析的目的是检验坝体在施工和运用期间是否满足强度要求,利用材料力学的方法检验应力是否满足要求。经计算得大坝在某些工况下不满足要求。 溢流坝过流能力验算及消能计算依据《溢洪道设计规范》SL253-2000计算。经计算得满足要求。 最后进行除险加固方案设计,使不满足要求的工况满足设计要求,使大坝得到加固。 关 键 词:抗滑稳定、应力复合、过流能力及消能计算。 General description of design PS reservoir in Hebei province Shahe city within the boundaries, the Haihe River Valley of Minghe River tributary of Fuyang River sand.The engineering problems as follows (1)The dam foundation against sliding of dam does not meet the requirements, the serious leakage of high water level. (2) The crest elevation does not meet the requirements of the code in the standard. (3) The discharge valve damage. (4)The dam downstream energy dissipation facilities. The identification of the dam belongs to the three kind of dam. PS reservoir reinforcement design is according to the actual project preliminary design, the main contents include the calculation of stability against sliding of dam, dam foundation stress composite, spillway discharge capacity and energy dissipation and other parts. Calculation on stability against sliding of gravity dam is an important issue in the design, its purpose is to check dam along the interface between dam and foundation stability against sliding of dam safety, using the formula for judging whether meet the requirements of stability against sliding.The calculation of dam in some cases do not meet the requirements of stability against sliding. Stress analysis to test the dam in construction and using period whether meet the strength requirements, use of material mechanics method testing stress whether meet the requirements.The calculation of dam in some cases do not meet the requirements. Spillway flow capaci


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