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摘 要 硫酸生产工艺主要由五部分组成,包括二氧化硫气体的制取,炉气的净化,二氧化硫气体的转化,三氧化硫气体的吸收以及尾气的处理。主要包括工艺流程的选定,工艺过程计算,主要设备工艺计算及选型,以及绘制 部分设备的平面布置。本设计采用二塔二电流程,以年产 20万吨硫酸车间净化工段工艺设计,设计中对主要工序进了物料衡算,热量衡算,并以此绘制物料平衡表和热量平衡表。然后以净化工段为重点,对相关设备进行了计算。 关键词:硫酸;二塔二电;硫磺 Abstract Sulfuric acid production process is mainly composed of five parts including the preparationof sulfur dioxide gas the furnace gas purification the transformation of sulfur dioxide gas theabsorption of sulfur trioxide gas and the treatment of exhaust gas processes. The design mainlydescribes about the process of sulfuric acid production with the annual production capacity of200 000 tons including the flow process design the calculation and selection of the mainequipment the layout of some equipment. Used pyrite as the raw material in the design. The anddesign mainly calculated the mass balance and heat balance, drew material balance table andheat balance in mainly production process. And thenuse the depuration segment as theemphasis calculated The relevant Model Selection of the Related devices.Finally the processdescription security memorandum memorandum of technical risk the proposal ofenvironmental protection and management were complete. Key words:Sulfuric acidtwo towers and two Electric precipitators mass balanceheat sulphur 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544334 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc325544334 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544335 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc325544335 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544336 1.1性质和用途[1,2] PAGEREF _Toc325544336 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544337 1.2 业发展简史[1,2] PAGEREF _Toc325544337 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544338 1.3 硫酸工业概况及其发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc325544338 \h - 4 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544339 1.3.1 国外硫酸工业概况及其发展趋势[3,4,5] PAGEREF _Toc325544339 \h - 4 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544340 1.3.2 中国硫酸工业概况及发展趋势[1,3,4,6] PAGEREF _Toc325544340 \h - 5 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544341 第二章 厂址的选择 PAGEREF _Toc325544341 \h - 8 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc325544342 第三章 原料的选择 PAGEREF _Toc325544342 \h - 10 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc3255



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