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摘 要 以六足机器人结构套件为基础,搭建移动测控平台,包括设计总体方案和各个模块实现方案,设计和制作伺服电机(即舵机)主控制板和传感器电路板,设计机器人行走方案并编程实现,实现超声波避障。采用细化的八步行走算法来实现行走控制,采用轴向舵机序号确定其他舵机运动方式和次序的方法进行行走方向的控制,这样完成了对18个舵机的控制任务,使得机器人能够比较协调、流畅地行走,并且可以控制其任意的行进方向。主控制板能够基本满足需要,但还需进一步改善其稳定性和可靠性,并增加功能组件如引导程序下载接口以及键盘等交互器件。进一步研究指南针和超声波模块在移动测控平台上有效利用,并开发图像处理及远程信息传输等技术,使六足野外机器人测控平台有更广阔的应用空间。可应用于户外环境参数监测、特殊任务执行、家庭助理等领域。 关键词:舵机 msp430单片机 行走算法 超声波传感器 Abstract Six feet robot is based on special robotic configuration including 18 servo-electro motors. My task is driving it to move, for I must first design the PCB, weld the PCB when it comes back, connect wires to the PCB and programme. The robot at last moves smoothly, glidingly, in each direction I want it to, of its six. Before programming, arithmetic of eight-step is used to push the robot to go forward in one fixed direction. To make it generalization, I conclude the very arithmetic by which movements of every servo-electromotor can be computed if the number of the direction servo-electromotor is given. The next task is that the robot can move in the direction which is judged as the best one after checking the environment by ultrasonic. Having a pair of eyes, the robot can see where the block is and where it can march over. The main controlling board is all right but it can be better if more steady and reliable, and if more functional parts is added as keyboards and the interface with Boot Strap Loader. It deserves to do further research at the moving measure-control plat of six feet robot on the use of sensors as ultrasonic, compass modules. It is useful to develop the technologies of image management and remote info-transmission at the plat, too. The measure-control plat of six feet robot is widely used in measuring weather, doing special tasks, and as an assistant in house. Key word: servo-electromotor msp430 stepped arithmetic ultrasonic sensor 目录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc169933475 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc169933475 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169933476 第一章 机械结构改装及设计 PAGERE


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