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外文文献原稿和译文 原 稿 USB is the English acronym for Universal Serial BUS, Chinese meaning is "Universal Serial Bus." It is not a new bus standard, but in the PC field of application interface technology. USB is the end of 1994 by Intel, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft and other companies jointly proposed. But until recently, it has been widely used before. From November 11, 1994 version of USB V0.7 released later, USB version has gone through years of development, up to now has been developed for the 2.0 version of the current expansion of the standard computer interface. At present, the main motherboard is USB1.1 and USB2.0, the USB version of the USB plug with a 4-pin plug as standard, the form can be used to daisy chain all of the peripherals connect up to 127 can be connected to external equipment, and no loss of bandwidth. USB needs of the host hardware, operating systems and peripherals support the three will work. The current motherboard is generally used to support the USB function control chipsets, motherboards are also equipped with USB interface socket, the socket and back in addition to, the motherboard also has USB pins is reserved, can be received through the connection box USB interface as a front in front of the convenience of the users (note that in connection to the motherboard manual to read and plans to connect must not be wrong then the damage of equipment). And USB interface can also be connected through a special USB drive to achieve two-plane interconnection line and can be extended through the Hub's interface more. USB has a faster transmission speed (USB1.1 is 12Mbps, USB2.0 is 480Mbps, USB3.0 is 5 Gbps), easy to use, support hot-swappable, connect flexible, independent power supply, etc., you can connect a mouse, keyboard, printer , scanners, camera, flash disk, MP3 machines, mobile phones, digital cameras, mobile hard drive, external floppy drive light, USB card, ADSL Modem, Cable Modem, etc., almost all of the external equipment. USB is an external bus


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