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学号: 郑 州 华 信 学 院 毕 业 论 文 题目:数控机床可靠性.维修性分析与研究 学生姓名: 所在院系: 所学专业: 所在班级: 指导老师: 摘 要   世界制造业转移,中国正在逐步成为世界加工厂。美国、德国、韩国等国家已经进入工业化发展的高技术密集时代与微电子时代,钢铁、机械、化工等重工业正逐渐向发展中国家转移。我国目前经济发展已经过了发展初期,正处于重化工业发展中期。   未来10年将是中国机械行业发展最佳时期。美国、德国的重化工业发展期延续了18年以上,美国、德国、韩国四国重化工业发展期平均延续了12年,我们估计中国的重化工业发展期将至少延续10年,直到2015年。因此,在未来10年中,随着中国重化工业进程的推进,中国企业规模、产品技术、质量等都将得到大幅提升,国产机械产品国际竞争力增强,逐步替代进口,并加速出口。目前,机械行业中部分子行业如船舶、铁路、集装箱及集装箱起重机制造等已经受益于国际间的产业转移,并将持续受益;电站设备、工程机械、机床等将受益于产业转移,加快出口进程 关键词 : 数控 工业化发展 刀具 机床 Abstract Move of world manufacturing industry, China is becoming the world factory. The United States, Germany, Korea and other countries have entered the high technology industrialization development intensive era and the era of microelectronics, steel, machinery, chemicals and other heavy industry is gradually transferred to developing countries. Our current economic development has been the early stage of development, the development of heavy industry is in the middle. The next 10 years will be the best period in China machinery industry development. The United States, Germanys heavy industry development has continued for more than 18 years, the United States, Germany, South Korea four heavy industry development average lasted 12 years, we estimate that Chinas heavy industry development will continue at least 10 years, until 2015. Therefore, in the next 10 years, along with the advancement of heavy industry of China, Chinese enterprise scale, product technology, quality and so will be significantly improved, the international competitiveness of domestic machinery products increased, gradually replace the imported, and accelerated export. At present, the central molecular machinery industry sectors such as shipping, railways, container and container crane manufacturing has benefited from the international industrial transfer, and will continue to benefit; power equipment, engineering machinery, machine tools, will benefit from the industrial transfer, speed up the proces


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