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毕业设计(论文) 中文题目:微博舆情管理平台 数据分析系统的设计与实现 英文题目: MicroBlog Public Opinion Management Platform: The Design and Implementation of the Data Analysis System 学 院: 专 业 : 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 年 月 日 中文摘要 随着网络技术应用的普及和发展,舆情的传播方式和传播速度都发生了根本性变化, 网络舆情对人类的社会状态产生了全方位的影响,微博舆情则是网络舆情的重要组成部分,的特点有: 本文以微博消息为研究对象,了微博消息传播的特点与模型,抓取的分析发现了传播的单向性,便捷性,背对脸等特点,微博意见领袖微博传播中的重要作用,热点的产生规律数据分析的结果提出了趋势分析的算法空间向量模型对微博内容的数据化,K-means算法完成对微博消息聚类分析,要分析的某类微博内容,进而在这类微博中找出微博消息意见领袖,提出微博领袖评估算法,算法,并算法完成了微博消息预警模块的实现初步实现了微博舆情管理平台的数据分析。 关键词:微博舆情 文本聚类 趋势分析 Abstract Along with the universal application and rapid development of network technology, the approaches that the net-mediated public sentiment spread have been fundamentally changed. The net-mediated public sentiment has exerted huge influence on the way that the society operates. As the one of the most significant parts of the net-mediated public sentiment, the public sentiment which is produced and spread by the microblog has several important characters, such as directness, immediacy, deviation, variability, interactivity. Taking the microblog messages as our investigating subject, this paper aimed to do research on the characteristics and models of delivering messages between microblog users, Through the analysis of the capture data found unidirectional, micro-blog communication convenience, back on the face and other characteristics, and raised an effective algorithm to sort these kinds of messages. Using the spatial vector model, the K-means algorithm did cluster analysis on microblog messages, and found out the opinion leaders among tremendous messages. Then, an influential estimation algorithm of the microblog opinion leaders was raised,WeiboRank algorithm. Together with the estimation algorithm, we also achieved the early warning part and some basic data warning analysis functions on the whole microblog-mediated public sentiment platform. Key words:microblog-mediated public sen


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