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毕业论文设计 汉语对英语迁移现象的分析 The Analysis of Chinese Transfer to English Contents Abstract ………………………………………………………………….…..1 Key Word…………………………………………………………………….1 I. Previous Research………………………………………………………… 2 II.The theoretical basis of L1 on SLA………………………………………..3 III. The Chinese’s positive transfer to English learning 3.1 The phonological transfer.……………………………...………………..5 3.2 The lexical transfer…………………………………………………...….6 3.3 The syntactical transfer…………………………………………………..7 IV. The Chinese’s negative transfer to English learning 4.1 The influence of differences in language style………………………....8 4.2 The influence of the different ways in thought.………………………...………..10 4.3 The influences of different customs and habits……………………..……….…….11 4.4 The influence of different in cultural context………………………………………12 V. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..….15 Notes………………………………………………………..……………. 16 Reference…………………………………………………………..……. 17 The Analysis of Chinese transfer to English Learning 摘 要:母语知识对外语学习的影响是语言学家及心理语言学家所探讨的重要问题之一。对于已经掌握了汉语的基本语音、词汇和语法结构的中国学习者来说,其外语语音、词汇和语法结构的学习必然会受到母语语音、词汇、语义和语法知识的影响。同时,不同民族有着不同的交流模式和话语结构,母语中已有的这方面知识也必然会以种种方式影响外语交流模式和话语结构的习得。这种影响称为外语学习中母语迁移(transfer)现象。迁移分为正迁移(positive transfer)与负迁移(negative transfer)两种。当母语规则与外语规则相同时,产生正迁移;而当母语规则与外语规则出现差异时,往往产生负迁移。负迁移会造成语言错误及学习困难。Abstract: In the research of English learning, there is an important problem that numerous linguists and psychological linguists probe into. That is the influence of Chinese knowledge to English learning. For a Chinese learner who has already mastered the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar structure of the mother tongue, his or her English learning must be influenced by Chinese language knowledge. At the same time, different languages have different communication patterns and language structures. These kinds of knowledge in Chinese will also influences the communication patterns and language structures in English acquisition. This kind of influence is called mother tongue transfer phenomenon in the f


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