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本科毕业设计 题  目 红外线防盗报警器设计   学生姓名       专业名称 电气工程及其自动化   指导教师         2012年5月20日 红外线防盗报警器设计 摘要 近年来,随着改革开放的深入发展,电子电器的飞速发展,人民的生活水平有了很大提高。各种高档家电产品和贵重物品为许多家庭所拥有。然而一些不法分子也是越来越多。这点就是看到了大部分人防盗意识还不够强.造成偷盗现象屡见不鲜。因此,越来越多的居民家庭对财产安全问题十分担忧。防盗就成了一项重要的课题。红外线防盗报警器是一种智能报警系统,可以大大提高了居民家庭的安全程度,有效保证了居民的人身财产安全。由于红外线是不见光,有很强的隐蔽性和保密性,因此在防盗、警戒等安保装置中得到了广泛的应用,通过红外线发射和接受系统来感应是否有人闯入,如果探测到有人闯入,那么系统的声光报警电路会发出警鸣声给人们以提醒。该系统以单片机AT89S52系列为核心,采用红外线发射管和红外线接收管为发射和接收装置,由反相器芯片反相间接控制CPU工作。在CPU程序运行以后控制输出口电平使得蜂鸣器与发光二极管组成的声光报警电路同时进行声光报警。并通过单片机系统向声光报警电路发出信号,达到声光报警的目的。本论文先后介绍了红外线防盗报警器的意义、发展背景、发展前景、系统的基本电路结构和系统软件的设计。 关键词:报警器;AT89S52单片机;红外线发送;红外线接受; The design of infrared anti-theft alarm system Abstract In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening-up, electronic and electrical appliances rapid development, peoples living standard has been greatly improved. A variety of high-grade household electrical appliances and the valuables have for many families. However, some lawless elements are also more and more. This is seen most security awareness is not strong enough. Causing steal phenomenon it is often seen. Therefore, more and more households in property safety is concerned about. Security has become an important topic. Infrared anti-theft alarm is a kind of intelligent alarm system, can greatly improve the safety degree of the households, effectively guarantee the residents personal and property safety. Because infrared is not exposed to light, has strong confidentiality and secrecy, therefore in security, alert security device has been widely used, through the infrared transmitting and receiving system for sensing whether someone is breaking into, if the detected someone broke in, then the system will send out alarm sound and light alarm circuit sounds to the people to remind. The system based on singlechip AT89S52 series as the core, using the infrared emission tube and the infrared receiving tube for transmitting and receiving


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