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中国有机食品认证发展研究 摘 要 近年来,我国食品安全事件、环境污染事件频发,引起了中国政府官员和 普通消费者的广泛关注。在这种形势下,作为中国农产品质量安全体系的重要 组成部分和农产品认证基本类型之一的有机食品认证也处在一个重要的发展时 期。中国是有机食品的生产大国,但是目前中国的有机食品认证市场尚处于起 步阶段,2004 年至 2007 年有机食品认证发展迅速,但是进入 2008 年后,有机 食品认证的发展势头开始下降,进入缓慢发展期。据我国认证认可信息网公布 的信息显示,2009 年我国有机食品占全部食品的市场份额不到 0.1 %,远远低于 2 %的世界平均水平,与发达国家相比差距更大。为此,笔者在研究分析国内外 关于有机食品及认证相关文献的基础上,结合自身在国内有机认证行业的认证 实践经历,研究分析了中国有机食品认证发展现状及问题,并尝试提出了相应 的对策和建议,以期促进中国有机食品认证的健康快速发展。本文在提高我国 食品安全质量,推广有机食品和促进中国有机食品认证行业的发展等方面都具 有一定的理论意义和实践价值。 关键词:有机食品;认证;发展研究 1 中国有机食品认证发展研究 Abstract In recent years, Chinas food safety incidents and environmental pollution events happened frequently in China, which arouse wide concern of Chinese government officials and ordinary consumers. In this situation, as an important part of the quality of Chinese agricultural products security system and one of the basic types of agricultural products, certified organic food certification is also at an important period of development. China is one of the largest producer of organic food, but at present, Chinas organic food certification market is still in its infancy. From the year 2004 to 2007, the organic food certification developed rapidly, but after 2008, the momentum began to fall into the slow development period. According to the datas of Certification and Accreditation’s network announced, in 2009 Chinas organic food market share of the total food less than 0.1%, far less than 2% of the world average, with the large gap between the more developed countries. To this end, on the basis of relevant literature about certification of organic food a


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