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签名: 邱方明 导师签名:杨伟民 日期: 2007 年 6 月 20 日 摘 要 世界上绝大多数国家都在一定范围内存在着贫困问题,或者是绝对贫困或者 是相对贫困。从贫困的成因看,贫困问题更多是一个经济问题,因为在经济市场 中本身就存在着引发一部分地区、一部分人贫困的内在因素,简单的说这就是经 济市场中的贫困陷阱,是个体很难突破的。如果把社会福利的含义作扩大化的理 解,现代国家一般都存在社会福利制度,更准确地讲都有政府通过转移支付的方 式开展的反贫行为,包括区域性扶贫、社会救助、提供公共服务等等。这些行为 毫无疑问对于消减贫困产生了巨大作用,但值得深思的是,转移支付本身也存在 着陷阱,尤其是诸多选择性的福利项目将贫困、资格与救助融合在一起,使得福 利成为一种诱惑拥有贫穷资格的物质,这就是在福利系统中的贫困陷阱问题。 本文就是将贫困陷阱放在经济市场和福利系统这两个场所或说两个制度体 中考察,通过运用恰当的经济学模型和社会学思想理论以及较为严格的逻辑揭示 出贫困陷阱的内生机制并挖掘影响贫困陷阱的关键变量,从而提出对策。在具体 分析过程中,本文第 4 章集中论述了经济市场中贫困陷阱的发生机制和作用原 理,其中又按照农村和城市的不同情况分别予以了分析;第5章集中论述了福利 系统中的贫困陷阱,同样按照农村和城市的不同情形予以了分析;第6章从经济 市场与福利系统互动的角度考察了贫困陷阱的发生机制和作用原理并提出了三 个有效性对策。此前关于贫困陷阱方面的研究很少从经济市场与福利系统相互作 用的纬度来探讨问题,本文这一部分从某种意义上填补了贫困陷阱研究方面的一 个空白。 关键词:经济市场;福利系统;贫困陷阱;索洛模型Abstract Most of countries of the world in certain scope have the poverty problems, which are absolutely impoverished or relatively impoverished. From the angle of impoverished origin, The poverty problem is mainly an economic problemThere are some factors in the economic market which contribute to one’s impoverishment. In brief, this is the “poverty trap” in economic market which is very difficult for somebody to breakthrough by virtue of his her own strengthIf we put the concept of “social welfare” in a large sense, there are generally welfare system in modern countries. Accurately says, it is very universally for any a government to take actions of eliminating poverty by transferable payment, including regional anti-poverty, social assistance, providing public services,etc. Undoutedly, these measures are important to alleviate povertyBut what is worthwhile thinking is that transferable payment of government may exist poverty trap, specially some selective welfare items. Welfare becomes a kind of material that entice one to secure qualifications of poverty, which is the “poverty trap” in welfare system In this text, “poverty trap” is put into economic market and welfare system to be analysed. The inner mechanism of ”poverty trap” and the crucial var


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