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摘 要 1 提图斯 李维 (Titus Livius )的《建城以来史》是保存下的惟一一部出自古 罗马人之手、详尽记载王政时代以及共和早期历史的著作,有很重要的史料价 值。其中前五卷叙述了从罗马建城到高卢的征服的历史,是研究早期罗马史难 得的重要史料之一。本文以《建城以来史》前五卷为依托,介绍李维撰写罗马 史前五卷的情况,并从李维叙述传说的角度,来考察李维叙述中的道德观念和 重构历史的方法,乃至李维对“神”和“人”的一些特殊看法。 无论李维叙述罗马史的目的,还是他著罗马史时的历史背景条件,都有利 于其在叙述中构建自己的思想。李维在叙述历史中表达了他对古代罗马道德的 赞扬,这在某种程度上和奥古斯都的政策是一致的。李维认为历史不是直线发 展的,而是循环前进的,他把奥古斯都看得像罗慕鲁斯一样是罗马城的又一建 构者。李维认为“神”的权威极大,罗马的发展壮大只是在“神”的佑护下才 能获得成功,但他也不否定“人”的历史作用,在李维看来,宗教有一定的社 会作用,宗教信仰可以和理性共存。 关键词:李维 ;罗马史 ;远古传说; 重构 1 根据我的导师米辰峰老师在《西洋姓名的演变及其汉语译著问题》提出的建议,本文取 缔了西洋姓名间隔号“· ” Abstract Titus Livius is one of the great Roman historians. His History of Rome became a classic in his own lifetime. The Books 1-5 covering the history from the foundation of the city to the sack of Rome by the Gauls, are the only well preserved history that were written by a Roman historian. The Books 1-5 have great significant contribution to the study of the early Roman history. Much research on Livius was concentrated on his sources and historical thoughts before. This paper , which is based on the previous research, attempts to make some contributions to the study of Livy. The first part introduces the historical background in which Livy started to write the history and the historical materials of the Books 1-5. The second part introduces Livy’s reconstrution of morality and history from the perspective of legends. Livy conceived of history as recycled rather than linear. The third part introduces the attitudes of Livy to the “divinity”and the “people”. Keywords: Livy ;History of Rome ;Legends ;Reconstrution


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