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摘 要 近年来,我国的信用卡行业发展迅猛。随着国民财富的不断提升,富豪人群的日 益壮大,各大国有银行、股份制商业银行、部分发展较快的城市商业银行等纷纷发行 了各自的高端信用卡产品。而作为世界上第一张信用卡,始终走在行业发展前沿的大 来信用卡,也将借外资银行独立发卡政策逐步开放的机会,以高端信用卡产品的定位 进入中国市场。这对该公司竞争实力的提升和自身发展具有重要意义。 本文首先对我国信用卡行业发展历程和大来公司背景现状进行分析,重点阐述了 大来公司在中国进行信用卡产品开发的必要性和可行性。其次,进行信用卡相关研究 文献述评,以及介绍信用卡产品的基本内涵。在此基础上,对中国信用卡行业的发展 动态和产品现状进行分析,介绍信用卡产品开发的相关政策,指出信用卡市场存在的 问题,为大来信用卡产品开发的方案设计提供了前提基础。 本文重点对大来信用卡在中国的发展进行市场环境分析,结合大来的高端产品定 位特性,确定产品开发的相关要素设计。根据高端市场细分的研究结果,进而制定一 系列产品开发的营销策略,包括品牌策略、价格策略、服务策略、渠道策略和促销策 略。将创新的营销思路和方法融入其中,从而深入发掘客户需求并为客户提供差异化 服务。最后,对本文的研究工作进行总结,指出研究中存在的不足之处,并对未来的 研究做出展望。 关键词:大来卡,信用卡,高端产品,产品开发,市场策略。 I Abstract In recent years, Chinas credit card industry is developing rapidly. With the national wealth increasing and the wealth population growing in China, major state-owned banks, joint -stock commercial banks, as well as some city commercial banks which develop fast, have issued their high-end credit card products. Diners Club as the worlds first credit card, always on the forefront in the development of the industry, will also take the opportunity, that the policy of foreign banks obtain the independent card-issuing qualification is gradually opening up, to enter the Chinese market with its high-end credit card products positioning. It is of great significance to the development of the company itself. This paper firstly focused on Chinas credit card industry development process and Diners Club company background present situation analysis, elaborated with emphasis the necessity and feasibility of Diners Club credit card product development in China. Secondly, evaluated some relevant literature about credit card and introduced the basic connotation of credit card products. On this basis, analyzes the Chinese credit


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