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Please appreciate the usage of “appreciate”. Group work : Use at least three of these words to make a short story * You got big dreams? You want fame? Well, fame costs. And right here is where you start playing, in sweat. 你有伟大的梦想? 你想要成名? 成名是有代价的 而这里是你开始付出的地方,用汗水。 New words to be learned decrease include respond be grateful contain verb of “success” appreciate hire succeed accident employ the opposite of “increase” incident reply Can you handle the usage of “decrease”? 3.The number of workers decreased from 200 to 100. The price of the clothes has decreased by 15%. This kind of animal is decreasing in number every year. decrease from… to … 从…下降/减少到… decrease by … 下降/减少了… decrease in… 在…方面下降/减少 到 了 1. These measures will decrease the cost. 2.There was a decrease in the number of panda. Vt. 减少 n. 减少 be on the decrease 在减少 Let’s dig out the usage of “respond” from the following sentences. He responded to my question with a letter. The boss responded to the employees by raising their salaries. The product was developed in response to customer demand. respond to sb./sth. with sth. respond to sb./sth. by doing sth. response n. in response to sth.对…做出回应 在句中做________ 状语 Guess the meanings of “contain” in different sentences. 1. He opened the bag, which contained a wallet, a car key and a mobile phone. 2. 1)This article contains important information about wildlife protection. 2)Sea water contains salt and 11 other minerals(矿物质) have something inside 装有 have something as a part 包含;含有 3. The classroom can contain 60 students. admit 容纳 contain & include contain 强调所包含的内容,一般指全部包含或“含有……成分”。 include 侧重于对比整体与部分,一般指包含部分内容。如: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. 用contain和include的适当形式填空。 1. The bot


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