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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 中美婚姻观的跨文化对比研究 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Concepts about Marriage between Chinese Culture and American Culture 摘 要 在跨文化交际中,由于不同文化圈的人的思维方式,宗教信仰,价值观念,社会制度等的不同,交际的过程充满矛盾和障碍。人类是情感的动物,其情感的表达方式与其生活的文化环境密切相关。本文以跨文化交际理论为依据,发现价值观念系统的若干重要方面对中国人和美国人的婚姻观有着重要影响。 家庭是社会的基本组成体,夫妻又是家庭的最主要要素。婚姻关系是人际关系中最密切最长久的一种。但由于地理环境、历史背景、文化,发展过程及其他方面的不同 ,各个国家,各个民族又有其独特的婚姻观念,婚嫁习俗。与具有五千多年悠久历史的中华民族相比 ,美利坚民族仅仅走完二百多年的历史征程 ,中美文化自然会有相去千里的个性。美国社会张扬“个性”,重视个人的权益和自由 ;而中国社会注重伦理生活 ,注重人与人之间的相互依存关系。所以相对的,中美之间的婚姻文化也会有所不同。 通过对本课题的研究,其目的是增加中美两国人民对对方文化的了解,架起沟通的桥梁,使中美两国人民能够互相学习,拉近中美民族的距离。 本论文主要分为以下几个方面: 一.首先主要介绍跨文化交际理论和本论文研究的目的。 二.第一章主要介绍中美婚姻观的三个不同之处,即结婚目的不同,择偶方式不同和夫妻关系的不同。 三.第二章主要介绍导致中美婚姻观不同的原因,主要有几个因素,那就是价值观和经济方式和生存环境的不同,其中价值观的不同还包括文化方式,个人主义和集体主义,还有宗教的不同。 四.第三章,总结全文。 关键词:婚姻;跨文化;中美文化;夫妻关系;价值观 Abstract In the process of cross-cultural communication, because people from different culture have different ways of thinking, religious beliefs, values and social systems, the communication process is full of contradictions and obstacles. Humans are emotional animals; their expression of feelings is closely related to the cultural environment they live in. This paper is based on the theory of intercultural communication, discover the value system has an important impact on the concept of marriage between Chinese and American culture. Family is the basic component of society, and husband and wife is the main element of a family. The marriage tie is the closest and longest relationship in the interpersonal relationship. Every nation has its unique marriage ideas and wedding customs because they have the different environment, history, culture and develpment. Compared with Chinese nation with more than 5000 years of history, United States just completed his journey of 200 years; it is no wonder that these two countries have the quite different personalities. American society focuses on the individual rights and freedom, while Chinese pay attention to the ethical life and


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