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湖北省2013高考英语二轮(完成句子+书面表达)专题训练(23)及答案 湖北省2013高考英语二轮复习书面表达专题训练: 完成句子+短文写作(30) 第一节:完成句子 阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末内的英语单词完成句子。 1. A student from America said before she came she had heard many reports about how populous China is, but still __________ (这事超出她的想象). (beyond) 2. You have to put in some extra work at night if you _______________ (不想落后). (leave) 3. All of us were tired out and in desperate need of water _____________(还有300英里的路程要赶). (with, go) 4. People in China hope to see nuclear technologies _________________ (应用于越来越多的领域) rather than wars. (apply) 5. We ______________ (已经习惯了看到)stars arrested because of taking drugs. (accustomed) 6. China’s elite troops are having military training for the National Day Parade ____________ (为庆祝60周年)of the founding of the PRC. (celebrate) 7. Though ________________ (食物快要吃完了), the men are cheerful and confident. (run) 8. I know nothing about her____________ (除了她是被抚养长大的以外)by her aunt. (except, bring) 9. More and more high school graduates from China ____________ (被录取)key universities overseas nowadays. (admit) 0. Under no circumstances ________________ (应该放弃) your dreams even if everybody goes far away from you. (give) 一、引用谚语的技巧 1. 用as the saying goes来引出谚语,其意为“常言道”“正如有句谚语所说”;它可以放在句首,也可以放在句末,有时也可放在句子中间。如: “More haste less speed,” as the saying goes. 常言道:“欲速则不达。” “Accidents will happen,” as the saying goes. 正如有句谚语所说:“天有不测风云。” As the saying goes, “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” 正如有句谚语所说:“蛋未孵化,莫数小鸡。” However, as an old saying goes, a coin has two sides. Having a private teacher also has its disadvantages. 但是,正如有句谚语所说:“每个硬币都有两个面。”请家庭教师也有其不利之处。 From my point of view, taking more physical exercises is a good way to solve these problems. Just as a saying goes: “Only work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” 依我的看法,多进行体育锻炼是解决这个问题的一个好办法。正如有句谚语所说:“只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。” 2. 用There is a saying going like this 来引出谚语,其意为“有句谚语是这样说的”。如: There is a saying going like this, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” What is a true friend? A true



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