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论文摘要 小说阅读教学是语文教学的重要内容之一,它包含在语文课程目标和课程内 容、语文教材内容和教学内容所构建的体系中。新课程背景下的高中小说阅读教 学研究,旨在努力探索二期课改与阅读教学完美结合的有效途径,引导学生欣赏 小说,培养和提高学生的阅读能力和文学素养,为学生终身学习奠定基础。 当下各类网络、媒体等时尚文化强势占领高中学生的阅读空间,通过研究小 说阅读教学,促进教学方式、学习方式的变革,帮助学生树立正确的道德情操和 审美观念,培养学生探索、发现的精神,全面提高学生阅读、写作、鉴赏等综合 能力,实现教学“共赢”,具有非常积极的现实意义。 本文在已有研究成果的基础上,认真解读课程标准并钻研现行教材,结合个 人的理论分析和实践探索,以语文新课程的基本理念为依托,以新课程背景下的 高中小说阅读教学研究为专题,围绕高中小说阅读教学的基本流程展开论述,着 力阐明对教学重点、难点(鉴赏人物形象、探讨归纳主题)的处理以及所用的教 学方法。强调在教学过程中由师生共同建构小说文本的意义和实质,从而有效提 高阅读教学的品质。 关键词:高中新课程 小说阅读教学 人物形象 主题思想 5 Abstract Teaching of novel reading, one of the most important elements of Chinese education, is included in the construction of the class, content and textbook. Research of novel reading in high school is aimed to probe into the most effective way to combine class reform and teaching methods of reading, so as to cultivate students’ability to appreciate novels, improve their reading abilities and cultural background, thus laying a solid foundation for the lifelong learning of students. Nowadays students spend most of their time surfing in the internet and in the fields of fashion. Through the analysis of reading novels, it is of great significance that students should cultivate a moral sense and sense of beauty, change their study habits, nurture innovative mind, improve the capability of reading , writing and appreciation, thus achieving a win-win outcome. Based on the current findings of researches, the writer has studied current text books carefully. This paper clarifies character analysis and induction methods in reading a novel based on the writer’s personal practice and experience , the basic concept of Chinese textbooks, the research of high school novel reading under the new syllabus ,and the high school novel reading . Moreover, this paper also highlights the importance of the novel text written by te


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