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南方文物 2013 ·3 14世纪以前钴蓝在西亚和中国的运用 ——— 兼谈元青花的产生 赵 琳 ( 复 旦 大 学 文 物 与 博 物 馆 系 ) 摘 要:本 文探 讨 了 14 世纪 以前钴蓝 釉料 在 西亚和 中国的使 用情况 ,指 出钴蓝在 西亚有 着悠久的使 用传 统 ,出 于对青金 石 的 崇尚 ,钴蓝 釉料被 广泛运 用在模仿 青金 石 色彩的人 工制品上 ,主要 包括釉 面砖 、玻璃 、陶器等 。 而在 14 世纪 以前 的中国 ,钴蓝 釉料 的使 用 出现较 晚 ,运 用也缺乏普遍性 、延续性 。通过 西亚和 中国情况的对 比 ,笔者对元青花 在 14 世纪得 以突然勃兴 的原 因,提出 了新 的见解 。 关键词: 14 世纪 以前 ,钴蓝 ,西亚 ,中国 Abstract :when was the Imperial Kiln of Ming dynasty established? It has been one of the hot issues in 土 academic discussion. This article argues that the Imperial Kiln of Ming dynasty was established by Yongle Emperor in Hongwu thirty-five years (1402)between July to December by combing the related literature with 与 excavated materials, and the nature of the Official Kiln established in Hongwu two years and the Imperial Kiln 火 is different. And based on this discussion this article researches the change of the kilns name.This research 的 attempts to explore the use of cobalt blue in Western Asia and China before 14 century. In Western Asia, there is a centuries-old tradition about the use of cobalt blue. Because of adoration of the color of lapis lazuli, cobalt 艺 blue is selected to decorate glazed brick, glass and pottery, and so on. By contraries, the use of cobalt blue is 术 late and short of universality and continuation in China before 14 century. With the help of comparative method, the author brings forward a new angle of view about the origin of Blue and White Porcelain of Yuan Dynasty in 14 century. Key words :Before 14 century, Cobalt blue, Western Asia, China 元青花的兴起是中国瓷器史上的一件大事。自 一、 钴蓝在古代西亚 此以后,中国原来青、白、黑瓷各领风骚的情况一去


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