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第 39 卷 第 2 期 燃 料 化 学 学 报 V o l. 39 N o. 2
20 11年 2 月 J ou rna l of Fue l C hem istry and Techno logy Feb. 20 11
文章编号 : (2011)
X P S s tu d y on th e ch a n g e o f
c a rb on c on t a in in g g r ou p s a n d su lfu r t r a n s fo rm a t ion on c o a l su r f a c e
1 2 3 2 2 1
L IU Fen rong , L I W en , GUO H u iq ing , L I B aoq ing , BA I Zongq ing , HU Ru isheng
( 1. Colleg e of Chem is try and Chem ica l Eng ineering, InnerM ong olia Un ivers ity, H ohhot 01002 1, Ch ina;
2. S ta te Key L abora tory of Coa l Convers ion, Ins titu te of Coa l Chem is try, Ch inese A cadem y of S ciences, Ta iy uan 030001, Ch ina;
3. InnerM ong olia M ed ica l Colleg e, H ohhot 0 10059, Ch ina)
A b s t r a c t : Tw o C h inese coa ls, L iuzh i (L Z) and Zuny i ( ZY ) , w ere p y ro lyzed in a f ixed bed reactor under N 2 and H2 a tm osp heres
from 400 ℃ to 700 ℃. X ray Photoe lec tron Sp ec troscop y ( X PS ) w as u sed to study the changes of carbon con ta in ing g roup s and
su lfu r tran sfo rm ation on the su rface of coa ls and the ir chars. U nder N 2 a tm osp here, on the ZY chars su rface, the
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