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基于握手区的耦合物质点有限差分法研究 1 1 1 1 崔潇骁 ,张雄 ,刘岩 ,张帆 1 清华大学航天航空学院,北京 100084 摘要:物质点法(MPM)由于将物质区域离散为一系列质点并且在规则的固定背景网格上构 建形函数,因而在求解冲击爆炸等大变形问题上具有一定优势。但对于大范围的流动问题由于 其采用质点和背景网格的双重描述,会较单一的网格类方法需要更多的内存和计算时间,并且 不容易构造高阶格式。这在一定程度上限制了物质点法的求解范围和求解精度。因而,本文提 出基于“握手区”的耦合物质点有限差分法(CFDMP),求解爆炸问题时,在空间上将问题 域分为有限差分(FDM)区和物质点区,采用FDM 模拟爆轰波传播的流体区,采用 MPM 模拟发生流固耦合的区域。两个区域的重叠部分定义为“握手区”,两个区域通过质点在“握 手区”中的运动来实现相互的输运过程。本文通过算例验证了CFDMP 的精度和效率,并将 该方法应用于爆炸对结构毁伤问题的研究。 关键词:爆炸力学, 物质点法, 有限差分法, 握手区, 流固耦合 中图分类号:O38 A coupled finite difference material point method based on bridge region 1 1 1 1 CUI Xiao-Xiao , Zhang Xiong , Liu Yan ,Zhang Fan 1 School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Abstract: Abstract The material point method (MPM) discretize the material domain by a set of particles, and has showed advantages over the mesh-based methods for many challenging problems associated with large deformation. However, at the same time, it requires more computational resource and has difficulties to construct high order scheme when simulating the fluid in high explosive (HE) explosion problems. A coupled finite difference material point (CFDMP) method is proposed through a bridge region to combine the advantages of the finite difference method (FDM) and MPM. It solves a 3D HE explosion and its interaction with the surrounding structures by dividing the problem domain into FDM region and MPM region in space. FDM is employed to simulate the region where the detonation products disperse into the surrounding air, while FSI region is simulated by MPM. A bridging region is employed to exchange the infomation. In the bridge region, MPM provides the boundary condition for FDM region by mapping the variables from MPM background grid nodes to FDM fictitious points, while FDM


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