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2008年第 1期 2008, No. 1 总第 140期 FOREIGN LANGUAGE RESEARCH SerialNo. 140 o :话语分析(discourse analysis)正在成为学术界的热点,这与结构主义之后的后现代思潮摒弃语 言, 关注现 话语; 同时, 与语言观由工具论向本体论转化密切联系语言不仅是工具, 而且是一种在 者 /是者要认知语言的本质及其运作机制,就须要研究语言本真的存在方式) ) ) 话语因此,从本期 开始, 5外语学刊6将/ 话语分析0 作为常设栏目,敬请关注与支持! * (, 510420) : , , , , , ,, , , : ;;; :H0- 05 :A : 1000- 0100(2008) 01- 0092- 7 A Study on th e Th eor ies an d M eth odologies of D iscou r se An a ly sis u Jin2bang (GuangdongUniversity ofForeign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China) Up to now, therehave arisen different approaches todiscourse analysis and a series oftheories andmethodologies. Previous researches either focus on specific analysis ofdiscourse phenomena or concentrate on review or introduction to research results, whereas a comprehensive analysis and comparison ofall approaches is lacking. Therefore, the present paper gives amacro com2 parison of themain approaches to discourse analysis, discusses the theories andmethodologies, points out the features, orienta2 tions, advantages and deficiencies as such. On the basis of the comparison, the author presents his opinions and suggestions. However, the present paper does not touch upon the relevant research in China, since some Chinese researchers have delivered their somewhat detailed report thereon. K ey w ord s: discourse analysis; social factors; bottleneck; way2out 1 , ,, , / (1995)/ 0(2003) ,0 (He / 0(2003) 2001: 428) / : 0, * ( 06JJ 740006); (05K- 04), (GW2006- TB- 006


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