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毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 XP_GHOST系统盘制作 摘要 随着信息技术的不断发展,电脑的运行速度也越来越快了,功能也越来越强大了。但是当我们翱翔于信息的海洋中,不免会遇到一些风险,比如系统漏洞和病毒、木马等破坏程序层出不穷,由此引发的网络信息安全问题是任何人网络用户都无法回避的,电脑出现问题需要修复或者重装系统的事已经很常见了。虽然操作系统安装步骤很简单,但每次都是只能等系统慢慢地一步步完成;系统装完后,接着安装各种应用软件,安装设置网络系统等,装个完整系统要耗费很长的时间。所以对于一般用户而言,电脑出现问题后应该如何简单、快速的恢复系统问是他们最关心的问题,如果有一张附带常用工具的万能Windows GHOST系统光盘就可以轻松解决这个困扰大家的问题! 于是时下许多著名品牌电脑公司在出售电脑时候都随机配置了GHOST系统紧急恢复光盘。在系统崩溃时,只要插入此光盘,几分钟内就可以自动恢复系统,作为众多的兼容机用户怎么样才会拥有这样一张省时省力的光盘呢?这是值得我们研究的。 关键词 重装系统 GHOST系统光盘 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title XP_GHOST system tray production Abstract With the continuous development of information technology, computer speed is more and more fast, more and more powerful. When we fly across the ocean of information, there will always be some risks, such as vulnerabilities and viruses, trojans and other destruction program after another, which raise the issue of network information security of any network users who are unable to avoid computer problems need repair or reinstallation of things have been very common. Although the operating system installation procedure is very simple, but it was only a step by step to complete the system slowly; system installed after the installation of a variety of application software, and then, set up network system, a complete system to spend a very long time.For the average user, how, after the computer problem is simple, fast recovery system ask is that they are most concerned about, if there is a commonly used tool with universal Windows GHOST system CD-ROM can easily solve this problem is everyones problem! So nowadays many famous brand computer company in the sale of computer time were equipped with emergency recovery CD GHOST system. A system crash, just insert the CD, within few minutes automatically recover the system, as how many samples will be compatible computer user saves time and effort to have such a CD then? It is worth our study. Keywords Thtem e weight dress sys GHOST system CD 目 录 1 引言 5 1.


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