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摘 要 变频空调由于性能优异、节省能源等特点,逐渐成为各大空调生产企业的发展方向,变频技术也日渐得到各个厂家的重视。变频空调的优点在于高效节能,起动电流小,工作噪音低,温度控制精度高,能够创造更舒适的房间温控环境。同时,采用无刷直流电机作为压缩机,能效比高,使用寿命大大延长。 本设计从硬件软件两方面着手进行变频空调室外系统的综合研究设计,提出了性能指标和功率指标,规划了空调系统下位机的整体框架。 空调室外控制系统室外机控制器选用智能功率模块和单片机组成整个系统,用智能功率模块IPM(三菱PM20CT060)替换分立元件搭成的逆变桥,由CPU独立控制压缩机运行、温度采样、电室外机风机转动、四通阀驱动、电压电流采样保护电路使空调室外控制系统结构简洁、高效、可靠性高。 室外机系统以Microchip公司的中档8位单片机PIC16F877为核心,结合硬件的特点设计而成。使用PIC16F877利用单片机的A/D转换模块功能,实现了室外冷凝管温度和压缩机温度的采集。 室内机与室外机采用半双工异步通讯,使用RS-485保证了室内、外机通讯的准确性。 关键词:变频空调;PIC16F877;PM20CT060;通讯 Abstract Because of the excellent performance and the energy saving,the inverter air- condition becomes the main leading product of most air-condition manufacturer. The inverter technology is more and more valuable for each factory. The advantage of inverter air-condition lies on the high efficiency, high precision of temperature control, low startup current and low noise. Furthermore, using brushless DC motor as the compressor can get high efficiency and long life span. The paper takes hardware design and software design into account to make the control system of the outdoor unit the inverter air-condition. In this Paper works out its own feature index and efficiency index, and also design the whole scheme of the air-condition system of the outdoor unit. The controller of the outdoor control system is made up of IPM and microcomputer. In the system , IPM works as the inverter. CPU of the outdoor unit independently controls the work of the compressor, the temperature sampling circuit , the timing of outdoor fan, driver of 4-way valve, the voltage and current sampling circuit, the communication between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit ,and so on. During the experiments, the compressor works smoothly, and has a wide speed span. In the design of indoor-system, we use PIC16F877 which is produced by Microchip company as its core. It is developed in terms of the characters of both the hardware and the software involved. We also carry out the collection of


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