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东 南 大 学 毕业设计(论文)报告 设计(论文)题目 并列运行机组动态建模与控制算法仿 学 生 姓 名 匡敬柱 指 导 教 师 潘 蕾 起 止 日 期 2012.3.3~2012.6.2 设 计 地 点 礼西309 摘要 本文使用MATLAB里的Simulink工具箱建立并列运行机组母管压力模型,引入锅炉燃烧率和汽机开度扰动,分析母管压力和锅炉蒸发量的响应曲线,并研究其动态调控特性。 第一章是概要介绍并列运行锅炉母管制机组建模的背景和意义,第二章使用Simulink建模,主要以三炉两机和两炉两机为尝试建模对象,初步进行MATLAB动态建模的仿真研究。第三章概要介绍常规PID控制,并将其和其他控制方法进行比较。第四章介绍了模型预测控制,并将其运用在并列运行母管制机组上。 目前大部分热电厂仍广泛采用比较传统的集中式母管压力控制系统,存在热惯性大、干扰强等其他问题。本文正是基于这样一个事实来进行研究的,以期能够寻找到更有利的控制手段,达到节约能源,最大化电厂效益的目的。 关键词:并列运行机组 动态模型 母管压力 常规PID MPC(预测控制) 仿真 Abstract With using the MATLAB simulink toolbox parallel , this article run boiler mother pressure modle.We can analysis the response curve of the boiler evaporation, and study its dynamic control characteristics The first chapter is an overview of the background and significance of parallel operation control unit modeling of Boilers, second chapter of the Simulink modeling, three furnaces and two machines and two furnaces and two machine to try modeling objects, the initial MATLAB dynamic modeling simulation. The third chapter an overview of the conventional PID control, and other control methods compare. The fourth chapter describes the model predictive control,and the use of parallel operation on the master control unit. Majority of thermal power plants are still widely used in the more traditional centralized main pipe pressure control system, there are large thermal inertia, strong, interference and other problems. The article is based on the fact that research in order to be able to find a more favorable means of control, to achieve the purpose of energy conservation, and to maximize power plant efficiency. Keywords: Parallel Coursing Unit ,Dynamic Model,Main-Pipeline Pressure,Conventional PID, MPC(model predictive control),Simulation 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪 论 2 1.1选题背景及意义 2 1.1.1概述 2 1.1.2现有并列运行机组母管压力控制方法及其存在的问题 2 1.2 论文结构及内容 6 第二章 并


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